Zie neh mmg failed arr jadik Kak Long kan :(
Macam mn buffday adik sendiri Zie oways terlupe
dah 2 years in a row okeh Zie lupe buffday
What A WORST SISTER i am kan???
Now Alang dh sulked ngan Zie dah
Zie felt really² bad about diz
Forgive me from the bottom of ur heart ea lalink
pls note dat...Zie x akan pernah lupekan Fea ar
doesn't mean Zie forget ur buffday, means Zie
dh lupekan Fea n dh x sygkan fea lagi :(
Dun ever think dat way ea, lalink :(
Dah almost 6 years dh kite kenal each other ar
Zie always remember our promise

And Do Vote For ME!!! =)
P/s: Uols², If uols komen Zie kan...Sile tinggalkan URL blogs uols dlm Hompage Box tuh ek. Leh senang Zie nk balas kunjungan uols =)
Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright©
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