♥♥ How many time have you been in love?
♥ 2 times...1st wif my Ex, 2nd wif...tettttt!!
uols taw caper la kan...haha :P
♥♥ 3 songs that make you remind of her/him?
♥ Rossa - Takdir Cinta
♥ D'Masiv - Diantara Kalian
♥ Ungu - Tercipta Untukku
♥♥ What is the romantic thing that you do for him/her, or he/she do for you?
♥ My ex dulu pernah watkan Zie terharu by sending me a bouqet of white roses + ferro rocher **err...tol ke ejaan tuh :P** all the way from JB :) Ahhh..kenangan yg terindah... **sobsobsob**

♥♥ 3 nicknames he/she uses to call you?
♥ Bb **shortform for baby ler :P **
♥ Sayang
♥ Ayang
**Sumenyer tinggal kenangan :(**
♥♥ List 3 places you go with him/her?
♥ Hermmmpprhhh...dlm mmpi jek :(
♥♥ What is the best memories with him/her?
♥ Best memories ea...for Zie, all memories wif him was the best momories eva...
♥♥ What is his/her birthday, if you remember?
♥ 28th December 1981...shall never forget
♥♥ List gifts from him/her that you like?
♥ Big Teddy bear in where Zie named it Snowy :P
♥ White Gold ring

♥♥ How you declare your love to her (man), or how you accept his love (woman)?
♥ How Zie accept his love ea...hurmmm..how to start ek **hahaha** Perasaan tuh ttiba dtg jek...di luar kawalan minda :P ape yg pasti, Zie accept sumone Zie love tanpe syarat...asalkan dat person oso menyintai Zie gak. Thats all matter to me :)
♥♥ How long you take to forget him/her?
♥ As far as i know...rite now, Zie still ingat die. Mayb bcoz i'm still single rite now. Insya'Allah, dgn Izin Allah swt...Zie akan slowly lupekan die...Insya'Allah...
♥♥ What is her physical part that you like about him/her?
♥ Everything in him Zie suke ^_^
♥♥ What is he/ doing right now?
♥ Dunno..probally busy finding his Ms. Right kowt.

♥♥ Can you accept him/her back if she want to?
♥ I dunno...If Zie oredi in relationship with sumone new, DEFINITELY will not. But if still single n avaiable...istikarah will help me to decide :)
♥♥ Have you contact him/her(ex) when you with your partner?
♥ well...since i'm still NOT ATTACH with anyone...honestly Zie still lg.
♥♥ Have you done something inappropriate with him/her(ex) before?
♥ Allamdulillah...until now Zie still berjaya memelihara maruah Zie. Ya Allah, Jauhilah Zie dr segala perbuatan yg mmbawa ke arah maksiat dn perbuatan yg ENGKAU keji...Aminnn yarabbal alamin...
♥♥ Did you go out with him/her(ex), without been known by your partner?
♥ Nope Never...for me, its cheating. Belajar lah utk setia dn menghormati org yg uols cintai sbg bf/tunang/husband. If ur love one x taw...Allah maha mengetahui.

♥♥ 2 things from her(ex) that you keep, without been known by your partner?
♥ Everything Zie keep bcoz Zie dont have any bf at diz moment. So i'm free like a bird :D **hehe**
♥♥ Do you think your relationship with her(ex) is hotter than with your partner?
♥ Will answer diz question once Zie oredi have a bf yek :)
♥♥ Do you hide something in your mobile phone from your partner?
♥ Dont have a bf now so...there's nothing to hide :D
♥♥ Have you cheated or try to cheat your partner?
♥ NEVER!!! I'm a loyal type okeh. Bile Zie ade bf dn mencintai die, he's everything to me. Hurting him means hurting myself..wahhhhh!!! terjiwang sudayy :P
♥♥ Who should do this tag?
♥ Nobody..hehe. Sape² nk wat...wat la ea

And Do Vote For ME!!! =)
P/s: Uols², If uols komen Zie kan...Sile tinggalkan URL blogs uols dlm Homepage Box tuh ek. Leh senang Zie nk balas kunjungan uols =)
Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright©
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