Eeeeee...rase nak cekikkkkkk cekikkkkkkkk jek bapak org sorg neh taw!!! Geram aku seyyyyyyyyyy!!! **meroyan terover² aku** Boleh x klo org soh wat keje, enko pi terus Rahmat Faizal oiiiiiii!!!!
Aritu Zie soh die amik Service Order dr MBKS...ingatkan die dh amik n dh pass kat our manager. Alih² Zie recieved a call from MBKS engineer
MBKS Engineer: **Nada bengang** Why haven't u send ur people over here to collect the service order?
Zie: Hahhh??? Our office assistance still haven't collect it? I'm sory, I am so sorry...will send him right away.
MBKS Engineer: Plz ok....it's URGENT!!! **die keraskan sore die, puiii**
Zie: Yes, yes...i know. I'm sorry once again
MBKS Engineer: Take ur job seriously next time **clickkk...die hang up**
Zie was like....WTF la kan. "Take ur job seriously"??? What the TETTTTT. Izzit my fault ka if si rahmat tuh kuat ngular???? eeeeeee...so rudeeeeeeee la engineer tuh. Rahmat neh pown satu! aku rs nk tendang jek rahmat neh puas²
Panas seyyy ati Zie dgr kritikkan dr mangkok hayun tuh. Seolah² Zie neh x serious dgn kerja Zie..HELLOOOOOOOOO!!! U're not my boss okeh!!! Boss Zie lg X PERNAH kritik aku mcm tuh..puuiiiiii!!!
So far as i know...aku neh sgttttt sgttttt serious in my job!!! suke ati laki mak tiri bapak die jek kate aku x serious. Klo ko dtg opis aku, aku jeling² ko tahap maut!!!
Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright©
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