BEFORE Zie mulekan n3 neh...Zie awal² nk pesan kat my readers, Plz okeh!!! respect my copyright!!!!

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Semalam time Zie check my FS kan...tiba² Zie recieved this msg from an indonesian girl. Saying yg sumone using my pictures. Hangin + excited sampai ke malaya aku nk tahu weh!!!... So sepantas kilat Zie add Na in my YM list...

So, Zie tanyelah ape² yg patut...then Na bagi Zie access to her FS account.

Sooo here the faker using my pic under Purnama Sari name. Iyerlah tuh ko nyer Purnama Sari, puiii puiiii!!! What the heck la kan...get ur own identity n image la babe...

Sampai ke Tagged pun die pakai pic aku...WTF ler minah neh!!! Uols click pic tuh utk tgk FS die. Klo boleh, uols sound la die sekali sbb gune pic² Zie. Yg peliknyer kan...Zie dh copyright my pic² tuh...nape lah bengap sgt nk gunekan gak.

Kan dh kantoi menipu...puiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!

Haaa...ensemkan diz guy. Diz guy according to Na, die kate Purnama Sari tuh was his Ex gf..a'ah iyer ler tuh. Berdarah idong Zie nengok pic mamat jambu neh..hahahaha. Tapiii...He is not was he is. Die dan Purnama Sari adalah org yg same.

And the faker is actually A GIRL!!! Dunno why arrr nak tipu² org. If muke ko cantik ke, x cantik....juz bersyukurlah dgn kurniaan Allah swt. x yah ler nak pakai pic org lain. Buat busuk muke aku jek, huh!!!


Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright©

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