Semalam after Isyak, Suddenly recieved a call from my Angah a.k.a Dr. Shieda. Happieeee banget die kol taw coz since she's back from Moscow after longggggg years studying medical over there, baru smlm she managed to call me n bergayut ler weols lame giler..kahkahkahkah.
Bz sgt rupernyer Angah Zie neh sejak dua menjak jadik doctor neh...cian die. Tp xpe, kerja mulia tue lalink. And owh ya...She send her regards to all bloggers who know her ex-specially to our siblings ^_^ weeeee. die kate, die rindu ngan uols sume n rindu nk berblogging blk...sobsobsob.
Kapan yek bisa ketemu ama lalink ku ini yek...??? Hermmprhhh :(
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