Sumwhere inside it hangus terbakar meletup..hehehe. Tgh syiok² Zie finishkan account td kan...terkejut wooo aku dgr bunyik kabommmm!!! **ekceli xde ler kuat sgt bunyik nyer...saje jek bikin havoc..hahaha**
Pastuh kuar la asap. Adehhhh...nervous Zie weii. Nasib bek smlm nyer account Zie dh bek up...fuhhh legeee. Klo x meroyan mayat aku sakit ati kene buat all over again :P onli account yg tgh dibuat jek zie lom sempat backup.
Skrg neh technician weols tgh gagah repairkan ape bende yg hangus tuh. Tuh la boss...zie requestkan new pc, lu x nak. ckp still can be useeeee jek memanjang. Nasib bek ade buat backup, klo x...all account for the whole year 2008 akan turut lenyap.
mmg kompom Zie nangis x berlagu if it happen. tp syukur alhamdulillah...zie x pnah skip backup all my account every end of day...lalalala ^_^
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