Tag By Najwa

Why were you given your particular name?
--♥ Ermzz...have no idea. Never asked my daddy ^_^ Maybe mmg die suke banget ngan name Zie tuh kowt.ala² nostalgia klasik gittews..hahaha :D

What is your favorite thing to do?
--♥ Of coz la blogging!!! Blogging is my life ~hahaha..blogger taygar mmg mcm neh :P*~

What is your favorite food?
--♥ Sumernyer Zie gasak jek. Asalkan sodap ^_^ weeeee!!!

What is your favorite book?
--♥ Novel² cintan cintun yg ade unsur² islamiah sbb leh membangunkan jiwa sendiri :D ceaaa..kire ala² nk contohi watak heroin die ler tuh..pui puiii..wakakaka +__+

What is your favorite candy bar?
--♥ Lolipop!!! **wehh..jgn otak kunen, aku tendang kang!!! :D**

What is your favorite cookie?
--♥ DEFINITELY Chocs :)

What is your favorite sport?
--♥ Sport??? Zie kaki bangkuk..kahkahkahkah **mengaku sblm org lain gtaw..haha** tp dulu Zie roller blading. But since patah kaki time at JB dulu...tros bersara ai bermain roller blade.

...ohhh Zie sungguh lasak time teenager dulu ^_^ kahkahkah

What is your favorite kind of music?
--♥ Alaaa...sumer favy asalkan bukan dangdut :P

What is your favorite song?
--♥ Byk wehh..x terkire. kang klo Zie state kan dlm neh..kompom spai taun depan x habis² list die...lalalaal

What do you want to be?
--♥ To be a better person...much better dari Zie yg skrg n sentiase redha n tabah menghadapi dugaan hidup.

What place you would like to visit?
--♥ Definitely Mekah to perform my umrah n haji andai ade rezeki. Pastuh baru ke Effiel **err tol ker ejaan..lantak jer :P** tower leh jerit Effiellll..im in love ala² citer indon tuh ler ^_^ lalalala

What is your favorite thing about your mom?
--♥ Mum TERRRRRlalu memahami Zie. She trust me with her life. Alhamdulillahhh..thanx to Allah swt telah menghadiahkan Zie seorg ibu spt mum. She's my guidiance angel in this world :)

What is your favorite thing about your dad?
--♥ Arwah ayah sorg yg strict...bkn strict gittew² jek taw. Tp mmg strict giler. If esoknyer ko nk gi sekolah kan, ko harus tido tepat jam 8pm. X kire ler mate ko lom ngantok lg ke x...harus gak ko gi tido. klo tidakkkk...makan tali pinggang ler engkau..hahaha

...Seorg yg penyayang n love me soooo much :)Adehhh..i misz my daddy sooooo bad :( I am daddy's lil girl arr. Al-Fatihah for him...love him so much!!!

What is your favorite thing about yourself?
--♥ Ermmzz...ketabahan Zie kowt. Mcm² jek happened in my life...w/pun payah utk Zie lalui, tp Zie tahu Zie harus tabah sbb Zie tahu, Allah swt akan hadiahkan keindahan disebalik kepayahan.

...kirenyer there will be sunshine after the rain ler. So tabah lah ea bile berhadapi musibah :)

Do you like to sing?
--♥ Yuppp yuppp..but only to myself la. If nk berkarok bagai...sorry ler. ko upah sejuta pown ai x sanggup nk melalak depan khalayak ramai yuu. Segan ah ^_^

..bukannyer ape, Zie sedar sora Zie mcm taufan lalina...miahahahaha :D

Do you like to dance?
--♥ Err...x gheti den. Kaku keras mcm kayu wehh :D hahaha

Do you like to play a musical instrument?
--♥ nopeeee...x gheti. x berjiwa musical tp Zie berjiwa photography n berjiwa sastera..lalalalala

What musical instruments can you play?
--♥ Recoder jer...itu pown ter tott tott jerk..kahkahkah

What is your favorite type of art?
--♥ Make-up yuuu!!! dok conteng² muke jek keje aku wehh..lalalala

What would you like to teach others about?
--♥ Ermm..ntahh. ttg blog kowt..hahaha

How would your friend describe you to someone who has never seen you?
--♥ Ermzz..ntah. x pnah dgr dorg describe zie ngan others. selalunyer w/out zie knowing ler...huhuhu

In five years, what kind of person will you be?
--♥ ermzz...wanna get married ar n be a good wife...Insya'allah

In ten years, what kind of person will you be?
--♥ Wanna be a good wife n mother..lalalala.

What do you want to be doing in five years?
--♥ get my diploma...insya'allah klo ade rezeki.

What do you want to be doing in ten years?
--♥ Enjoy my life with my own family..e2 pown klo zie udah married ^_^

What are your favorite subjects in school?
--♥ Science...leh escape!!! miahahahaha...oh Zie noty time zaman mude remaja okeh...kahkahkah

When you have an hour of free time, what do you like to do?
--♥ TIDOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Zie kaki tido..blueksss

What is the strangest thing you ever did?
--♥ rase xde kot. Zie do all the normal stuff all the time..kehkehkeh.

What is the strangest food you ever ate?
--♥ Xde kot...sbb tekak zie x leh timer if makan bende² pelik. jgn kate nk makan..nengok nyer aje dh rs nk muntah...haha

Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright©

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