*Credit to Syah For This Picture
Plz click the pic tuh view his blog**
1. He closes the distance
--♥ “First and foremost, moving in closer indicates a desire for more intimate contact,” So if a guy you’re talking to at a party inches a little closer as you talk, or your date slides into the same side of the booth as you, you know he wants to get to know you better—and not as a friend.
2. He speaks softly
--♥ When a man talks in a quieter voice, it’s an excellent sign, “He’s indicating that what he’s saying is for your ears only,” “If he’s telling you something private or secret, it’s a good thing—guys don’t do that to women they’re not into.” If you want to let that soft-talker know you feel the same way, respond in kind, which should quickly turn those sparks into an all-out fire. Caveat: If you’re in a loud bar or restaurant, where you have to shout to be heard, you can’t tell anything by his decibel level. So wait until you’re walking or driving home to see whether he’s turned the volume down.
3. He rounds his posture
--♥ Hypermasculine body language (think: swaggering walk, standing tall with shoulders back and chin up, etc.) serves to attract women from a distance. But when a guy is talking close-up with a woman he likes, he will soften, or “round” his body language. If your guy’s squared shoulders cave in when he’s chatting with you, he’s indicating that he feels comfortable and secure in your presence.
4. He talks slowwwly
--♥ Like birds in a mating dance, men typically talk more slowly and softly when they are attracted to someone. Of course, if he knocked back a few gigante lattes on a first date, he may be too wired (and nervous) to sound like Barry White, but give it time: If his speech starts to make you feel sleepy, he’s a goner.
5. He can’t take his eyes off you (in a good way)
--♥ So his eyes are locked on yours? As long as it isn’t a psycho stare, but rather a lingering, heavy-lidded, “Wow, you’re amazing” gaze, that guy is digging you big-time.
-->> So girls, be alert k
if ade guy yg u had a crush on
reacting all the signs...haaa pe
tggu lg...gi ngapppp teros!!!
kahkahkahkah :P
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