Susahnya Nak Pejam Mata :(

Hemprhhh...there it go away. TROUBLE SLEEPING AGAIN!!! Urrgghhhhh...hate it the most. Termasok today, dah seminggu dah Zie x leh tido. Badan letih giler but yet mate nehhhh..keji giler okeh x nak lelap, huh!!!

Then bile dh terlelap...of coz in the middle of midnight, kompom aku akan terjaga pastuh kompom x leh lelap lg...i hate it okeh!!! Make the dark circles appear jek kat bwh mate neh.

...tuh satu hal, satu hal lg...bile DAH tido...kompom Zie having a nightmare. Why ek??? So tired arr when every morning have to wake up dlm keadaan x cukup tido!!! Urgghhhh!!!....

-->> Nyau dlm pic tuh wat Zie
geram giler ar. Gewdiks okeh die
tido mcm tuh. Rase aku nk pijakkkkk
pijakkkkk jek perut die..hahaha.
Tampo kang :D

Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright©

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