Termakan Hasutan...kehkehkeh

Welll...welll, the "new Penjajah" wasn't that bad tho. Baru jek past chit chat ngan die. Bergossip² a.k.a bersugi²....until one moment, die tanye Zie x pnah interested ker nk work ngan bank.

...then Zie ckp ler, "i'm comfortable working here" Maka...bermulalah session hasut menghasut utk Zie cari keje lain n explore more than "this" n gain more experience la kan...whoaaaa!!! She's hell right ok!!!

Mule²...juz listen jek ape yg die say ttg benefits keje ngan bank. Tp when she told me starting basic salary RM1500...perhhhh!!! tros semangat aku bukak yellow pages n note down all the bank's telephone number wehh...

...haha..so funny kan. Miss Lu pun statekan gak cara² nk buat muke x malu dgn anto resume kat setiap bank tuh..hahaha. She's sooooo damn encouraging me ler. So rite now, tgh gagah buat Applications Letter kat sume islamic banks ^_^

Zie start my luck ngan islamic bank dulu...mane taw kot² dapat kan...wahhhh ^_^ haha. Wish me luck in this job haunting k uols :P

--> Asyik pic belakang die jek
ek Zie kasi uols tgk..hahaha.
She's sooo nice okeh ^_^

Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright©

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