Today lunchtime Zie lunch ngan Shutter Republic, gune name glamer die jek la..hahaha. Mulenyer Zie ingat nk cancel jek coz x stick to the original plan. But luckily before 1pm, Shutter dh otw...
...kalau tidak, kompom dh Zie cancelkan ^_^ huhu...

Errr...entry neh xde gambo org yek. Coz si Shutter tuh name jek photographer, tp x suke bergambo. tp die yg amik gambo org...hobi die tuh ^_^ hikss. So utk menghormati pendirian die, xde lah Zie snap candid bagai...
..kang mengaum lak die nnti kang..hahahaha :P

Psstt..x dpt amik pic org nya, pic beg DSLR die pun jadi lah...hahahahaha. Neway, thanx for the lunch ^_^ Ktk bujat koh...lalalalala ^_- winkss
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