Ape yg dah masok tuh??? my advertorial payment lah uols. Dah masok dlm my earnings nyer schedule. Sukenyer!!! ^_^ Uols tgk amount die tuh. RM212.50 kan...cube uols teke for how long Zie have to sticky mode my ubanscape entry dulu???
...only for 2 days jek taw zie harus sticky mode kan die..ngehngehngeh. Mcm mn Zie leh dptkan advertorial neh??? Well, nuffnang yg pilih blog Zie utk di proposekan pd client dorg. Then if client dorg berkenan ngan blog yg dlm senaria proposal tuh.
Then dorg juz give it a go. Mmg masyuk lah if dpt advertorial taw. Ade iklan tuh leh cecah RM500 ke atas taw. lumayan kan jd blogger..hehe
Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright©
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