Kekeji Miss Ditactor Menyerlah lagi :(

Yuuuhuuuuu uols. Zie ade HAPPYYYY News..yayy yayy. but then that happy news follow by bad news too :9 sobsobsob...darn!!! :( Zie inform happy news dulu ea....hiksss ^_^

So..nih die happy news utk zie ^_-

Zie akan dpt PC BARUUU!!! Yayyy yayyy. Finally flat LCD akan menjadi my BFF time working...aharkss!!! Tapi kannn kannn...I HATE MISS D!!! mcm wtf je taw. Zie pun x paham what her prob with me!!!

The sad news is -->> MISS D, BERIYER² YAKINKAN Ttechnician weols utk TIDAK MASOKKAN LINE TENET dalam pc Zie n pc opis boi, WTF ah!!! Super keji okeh. Reason die utk Zie, sbb zie buat akaun.

Takut nnti kene virus, akaun corrupted. Meanwhile utk opis boi lak, die x nk opis boi beFB. tapi die lak...BOLEH PLAK BERINTERENET dlm pc padahal pc die pusat induk UBS Accounting.

Menyampah okeh Zie. Asal ek die keji sgt??? Zie menjawap ok...Zie kate "if like that, you're pc also dont want to put internet too lah, bcoz u're pc also got UBS Accounting and it was a main UBS Accounting link maa. So better both of our pc, dont link with internet to be in the save zone."

Haaaa hambikkkk enko sekali aku menjawap. Mcm ba alif ba ya okeh bersifat keji camtuh. Boss plak x pnah bising² sal isu internet, die plak nk bising². So better fair n square.

Then die jwp zie blk "Me lain maaa. I have to have the internet access so that i can check company's email..." So zie pun jwp lg ar.

Zie kate, "If in that case, u can use other different computer that have the internet access. Like me, me also have to check my email n send email to Mr. Chan and other client too. So we share n use the other computer together. If u stop the internet access in my computer n yours one still have the internet access, so it will change nothing at all. If u're pc got effected by a virus, it will a effect mine too as we share the linking network."

Haaa kan berjela dh aku bebel. Sumpah uols, sakit hati zie dgn manager yg soooo damn selfish like her. Dont be like that arrr. Zie berinternet during keja tetap jalan beb! lg pun Zie update blog x pnah time working hours taw. Zie buat awal² pagi n auto publishkan sume setiap selang 2 jam.

So she x perlu lah jd ba alif ba ya keji sgt nk being a real ditactor yg giler kuasa kan. luckily Mr. Ony agree with my proposal other then her selfish proposal. So if pc aku x dpt on9, ko nyer pc pun x dpt on9 gak...fair n square. aku x sakit ati.

Ape lah nasib dpt manager kayak ginie arr uols. Sayang arr broadband line kat area umah zie slow giler. if x slow ke, KOMPOM AKU DAH POTONG POTONG dah oii. Huhh. Tekanan jiwa ngan leader cam gnie...puiiii.

Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright©


attyfir said...

bagus tindakan zie..tu ..dua2 takyah ..baru puas ati..padan muka..miss d..tu ..

JMR said...

nmpk sgt hati busuk ur manager tu...ptotnya pc dia lg perlu dijaga...~

dia jeles kt zie kot...

:-: LilacMessy :-: said...

e2 namenyer budus tolol!! kedengki satu hal.. pesal erkk pangai tuh dh macam jin.. akak lepuk2 jerk dier tuh..

pstt!! congrates dpt PC baqu..


Chik chuMeLL said...

holaa!!!alamak yang..tahniah yer,coz berjaya membidas blk miss ditactor tu...jgn ingt kite ni diam je,kite takut n suka pe je dia buat..

haaa..hamik koooo...zie dah mengamuk..hehe

Rudy Iskandar said...

maxis broadband time tok berbaloi dipakei. coverage sampei kat bdr baru. Celcom totally aduh..sakit kapala..Digi, slow sebab sekda 3G tapi stabil.

mYpRecious said...

keji gile pangai manager zie.. org pulak yg geram...

Aishah Malik said...

giler keji die tuh.. padan muka dia kena smash ng kak zie ahahahaha

Izzlin said...

wah.. gitu skli.. bgus tindakan zie

btw, jom join GA kat my page

ardinihumaira said...

aku nak gtau ngko yunk... gile aku nages time salesman yang dok bz body ngan aku masa aku keje dulu. dia kata wat akaun tu wat la cara wat akaun.. sampai satu hari aku kena pindah bilik 'khas' untuk executive punya sebab exctv tu cuti hampir sebulan, so aku kena handle keje2 beliau, diorang pakat halau aku sebab dia kata aku tak layak dok dalam tu.. mengommmm...

damn busuk hati.. aku resign lepas 2bulan lebih keje.. aku tak tahan..

dats y aku sambung blaja.. huhu..
kalo ngko jumpa company lain yang lebih baik, ko p je yunk.. accountant ni laku.. tambah2 dah ada experience..

tapi kalo ko rasa ko blh curi line, ko buatla.. sebab aku dulu time dey ol tak tau, aku sumbat sniri line tenet tuh wakaka...

ddy the writer! said...

jahatnye Miss D. ape lh saje tenet tu. itu pn die xnk bagi.

Unknown said...

ko jgn kalah ngan org mcm 2 yunk...

kasi kena balik...
nk dia jew yg senang

Anonymous said...

Eiii manager u sux, :P

cn said...

anin yg membaca neh pn tension, apatah lg kak zie.. eiii.. rasa nk cekik2 jer.. tp at last kak dpt pc baru.. yeaa...

pRincESs_N said...

wehh..kedengki nk mampos miss D tu...siott gilerr..geramm aku..

S!eZaN said...

zie punye manager lbh kurang cam kite punye manager jer..selfish jer..

shahrul said...

fuyooooo...cayalaa kak!!!akak memang hebat...jgn stop ngn ape yg akak wat ni tau kak..belasah je cukop2 nyonya tuh....ape ah..tak logik langsong...ngat akak buta IT ke ape...weh nyonya..jgn jadik nyanyok ah...hahahahah..
