13 Signs YOU ARE In Love

Haaa...today Zie nk bg hint² kat my readers, yg rasa diri di lamun cinta but konpius adakah die sdg jatuh cinta atau tidak. arini tetiba tangkap feel nk jd DR.CINTA ler plak...lalala. So nih, Zie buka mata beso² n BACA okeh.

...tapi HARUS BE HONEST pd diri sendiri :P

13. You can't stay mad at him/her for more than a minute or two. You actualy have to try HARD to stay mad. (haa...bkn kah ini sudah cukup obvious yg ko tuh mmg dh angau..haha)

12. You'll read his/her SMS over and over again. (Haaa...yg ini dah angau tahap MAKSIMA. Tak JEMU ke weh...eh lupa, kan dh angau. mane jemu...haha)

11. You'll walk really REALLY slow whenever you'll with him/her. (Nih kes control² nih. X pun hati tgh dug dag dug da main musik techno, atau dlm istilah lain -->> NERVOUS! :P)

10. You'll feel shy whenever you're with him/her... (ceaaa...malu² nyau ea. sudah la weh. Melepas kang, baru melalak nangis guling²..wakakaka)

9. While thinking about him/her...you'll HeaRt will beat faster an faster! (alololo...debar² tanpa sebab ea. Kerr syok sendiri? Miahaha..larikss :D)

8. By LISTENING to his/her voice...You'll smile for no reason. (Haaa..nih klo yg lain tgk. Sah sah ko kene chop SEWEL :D)

7. While looking at him, you can't see the other people around you...you can only see "THAT" person (Adoh makk...tahap kronik ler plak nih. Payah la weh klo mcm tuh. Kang x pasal² mamat/ppuan tuh blah. Ingat ko obsess maniac..aaa aaa tak tahu)

6. You'll start to listening to slow songs (cewahhhh...nk tangkap feel jiwang ler tuh)

5. He/she becomes aLL you think about
(Dah name ko dh angau ngan si dia. HARUS BIN WAJIB koooo engkau dok pkirrrrrrr sal dieeeeeee jer. Standard ler tuh :P)

4. You'll get high just by their smeLL... (Eh eh...high yg camne tuh. Jgn high sampai stim sudah. kang x pasal² kang..ishh ishh)

3. You'll realize that you're always smiLing to yourself when you'll think of them (Sah GILO..haha)

2.You'll do ANYTHING for him/her... (Haaa yg ini pun standard la tu. Utk show kat si dia yg ko nih ala² dia nyer saviour ler tuh. A'ah IYO LER TU :D)

1. While reading this, there was ONE PERSON on your mind the whoLe time.
(Haaaaa sape tuh wehh wehhh. Zie pun nk gak ah tahu...haha. CEPAT GTAW!)

So uols, siape yg ade simptom² seperti 13 signs di atas....BETTER KO LUAHKAN cecepat taw. Jgn plak ko pi gatal² cinta dlm diam. Kang ko gak melepas bengkak mata nangis :D

...GOOD LUCK pd sesiapa yg berkenaan :D

-->> Dr. Cinta (Zie ler tu)
dah pun lalui sume nih. Indah
woooo jd "sewel" + angau...haha.
I express my feeling to him n
heyy...he's my fiancee rite now :)

Redbloodsnow Copyright©
<--- Nanged it if u like. Thanx :)


Edda said...

hahaha... nice info

eyqaaman said...

time baca tu, dalam otak ni dok terfikir Maher Zain laaa kak zie..hehehee..

xxxx said...

sy pn dh lalui kak..
mmg sewel glerr time tuh..
n lps luahkan tross ilang sewel tu sikit..hehehhe
like like like

farah said...

ada , tapi tak mau la cakap kat dia. malu la nanti kakzie ..hehe
x de tips nak kasik hint kat dia ke kak zie ?

Redbloodsnow said...

-->> Haaaa...nk tips bg hint ea? l;eh leh...nnti akak bg ek dik....hehe. Insya'ALLAH mlm nih akak siapkan :) hiksss

Asmi Asmidar said...

haha. .
cm faham2 jer k.zie niy. .
complete sume ader

ardinihumaira said...

adakah aku sedang jatuh cinta? adakah? ehh ada ada! hehe

farah said...

yea yea yea . tenkiu kak zie !
ni sayang kak zie lebih nih