Haaa siapa di antara uols minat giler ngan cellphone Blackberry? If hado, this entry is dedicate to ko, ko dan ko...hehe. Celcom Biz is on promo for these 2 cellphones.
Jom skodeng a lil info :)

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Blackberry Bold 9780. Berharga RM1,888 only. Wahhh...berpinau mate tgk harga tuh ah...hehe. So pd yg mampu, sila2 ea beli utk disederkahkan utk zie...haha. KIDDING! :P
Oh ye, if uols purchase ni kan...uols entitle to get FREE softskin yg bernilai RM48. FREE ea ko dpt tuh noks...hehe

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Nih plak Blackberry Torch 9800. Super lawa kan :) Berharga RM2,188 sahaja. Perhhhh! Harga semantap price die kan...hehe. Free casing yg bernilai RM68 :)
Soo..ape tunggu lg, cepat grab it by clicking -->> HERE! for more info :)
Redbloodsnow Copyright©

yo...tengkiu..tengkiu...dear...aku memang nak rembat salah satu nih...:p
geram dengan BB Torch tp apakan daya, nak beli gaji ciput saja....huhuuh
churp2 skg kena buat entri ke zie?
aku minat gilaaaa bb torch tuu. ada cita2 gak nak amik under pakej celcom tu. leh online 24/7
tgh berfikir secaara waras tuk amek bb torch 9800
skang ni byk pakej.
fenin kepala..
semuapun cambest..
btw, zie iklan awak dah publish ok =)
Tahniah zie..
zie...memang ar..Bb memang jadi kegilaan,..peh jauh disudut ati mek tok kinek2 asa mok k hp ya..but have to wait la..when my dream come true..kih
seronoooknye nak blackberry !
Zie:Bestnya Blacberry tu Zie. Ko hadiahkan aku 1 Zie! Hu3....
sobs... nak BB seketul.. sape nak lanje aku angkat gigi. he lariksssssss
sofia skg gune BB...tunang sofia pulak gune e72..bile compare..sofia rase lagi best e72 dr BB
Sofia Smiley
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