When i come to think about all the harsh words....my heart bleeds. Seriously, really reallyyy bleeds. No matter how many SORRY being asked for forgiveness, still it bleeds me...hurts me sooooo much.
Once you cut my heart open, once it healed...its left a scar. Once there is a scar...the memory will remind forever. Once there have a memory....for eternity it will flash back in this tiny brain.
Please THINK before YOU speak. THANK YOU. **oh ya, its got nothing to do with me n my fiancee ye. me n dillah Alhamdulillah, always happy together ^_^**
-->> That’s why now I choose
to care for my own feeling only.
It is damn hard to satisfy everyone.
Ex-specially the one who is hard to
be satisfies.
Redbloodsnow Copyright©

awat zie.. ada salah dari kami ker? uhuuuuu kamo cedeh2.. jangan la na..
napa k.zie ?
ade org bt k.zie saket ati ke ?
meh sy g belasah die..
=) jgn sedih2 lgik..
sabar tu separuh dari iman
hmm...saba k yang...
kadang2 gitula...even da maafkan..luke tu tetap ade...
cheer up ^_^
sapo yang wat ko majowk yunk.. meh aku eksyen kamen kan beliau meh. bipp bippp
seyes nye zie.. takut lak akak baca nie.. huhu..
naper sayang! saper yg dah calar kan ahti zie tu??
nape ni akak?be strng k..huhuh
waduh kenak cayunk mek tok???
sabar yunk ahh...muuuaaxxx nya..<3 u cayunk..
Alahaiii tomey nye muka org sentap ;)
betul zie..baiklah puas hatikan diri sndiri..org lain ni mmg kita nk puaskan hati dorang..sabar k...muahs
zie sentap ngan sape pulak ne..
sabar ye yunk...
jgn sentap2 kang kerut muka..:0
bukan mudah nak puaskan hati org lain... huhuhuuh
monyoknya muka mcm kucing mrajuk :P
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