Chistmas Cards --->> Oopss... NOT DONE Yet :P

Balik keje - gi keje - balik keje - gi keja and the the circle continue on and on and on. xde life je beside keja..huhu. Pape pun...Salam Khamis buat uols sume ^_- winkss

Arini akan melekat setia kat tempat typewriter ko noks. Pasalnya ni haa...nk siapkan Christmas cards nih. Boss dh ngiyau ngiyau tanya dh siap ke lom. Nasib baik boss understand Zie super busy lately

...fuhh..lega. Kalau tidak...menjawap ar Zie sentap kene marah kot :P

Luckily this year, boss x suroh siapkan byk giler xmas cards spt tahun2 yg sebelumnya. Tahun nih takat 30 plus je klo x silap zie...ailikeee! Leh fokus 2-3 jam je utk siapkan...hiksss. BUSY MODE is ON ^_- winks....later ea zie blogwalking :)

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Siti Nurhayati Dollah said...

Weekdays kita keja.. weekend kita rehat.. huhu

P/s Selamat bersilat menyiapkan kad krismas

zazahashim said...

cam aku time deepavali boss india maaa...haha

Unknown said...

weee... ko jg lah yang...
bha, buat pelan2 ah..

zaza ismail said...

Rajinnya kak zie...kak zie ni masuk keje setiap hari pukul baper ek..?

Whoopz said...

Jgn lupa kasi gwa 1 card tu.. :p

Qib said...

akak.. pos satu sini yer


First TWO wheels Moment

Direview oleh blogger OTAI. Wootwoot!

ardinihumaira said...

ko cop betul3 tau yunk. hehe

Softtouch [Hanim] said...

sy plak xpernha buat2 kad nie..selamat membz zie...

Asmi Asmidar said...

kerja kerja kerja. . i cnt imagine if thats come to me . .sufer fenink. .hee.