Org Dapat Purse Dari Blogger Weh :) Happy!

On last Friday (10/12/10), zie recieved a parcel weh dari seorg blogger a.ka. Tauke Online...hehehehe :P

See...siap balutkan dgn polka dot plastic. Ailikee! Harus kooo simpan plastic tuh. Kn Zie skrg nih giler polka dot...haha :P Nk tgk ape yg Zie dpt ea? Meh skodeng bawah ^_^

ITS RED & BLACK Zebra printed purse. RED & BLACK in colours okeh....ailikeee! My fave colors tueeeee...tenkiuuuuu banget. nak taw siapa blogger yg murah ati tue? Meh skodeng kat bwh lg :P

**Click pic to view her blogshop**

NURUL VIWY koo blogger yg baik hati tuh. Tauke kedai on9 -->> Viwy Gurlish :) Katanya time dia tgh cari barang² utk business dia. Alih² terjumpa that purse. Teros pikiran dia teringat kat Zie..

...wahhh terharu siotttt. Seriously, mmg terharu coz x semena² Zie in her mind..sobsobsob **lap hingus** Hehe. Tenkiu banget dear! :)

Blog Pilihan Entry Ini
Blog Hernee Nazir
-->> Click SINI utk
view her blog :)

:: (nak being featured in this
section? Jadilah salah seorg
drdp pengiklan zie :) Click
-->> Here! utk lihat pakej ::

Redbloodsnow Copyright©
<--- Nanged it if u like. Thanx :)


Izzatul Azma said...

seronotnya weh org dok igt kt ko. hihi

TimMie said...

wah~ tumpang hepi jugak~! ^^

Kancilbiru said...

woh cantikkk tu purse tu..kelass!

Nurmala Mazlan said...

Bestnyer ada org ingat kat Zie..Sapa nak ingat kat akak nih? Hehehehe~

ismimaizura said...

amboi bergaya sakan la ko yunk...=) red colour gitu...hehe

Softtouch [Hanim] said...

seronoknya zie....baiknya blogger tu...haruslah zie terharu..bestlah jd zie nie...

zazahashim said...

mmg klau red black ingat ko jek yunk..huhu

farah said...

woo best nye best nye !

Asmi Asmidar said...

wooowww. . bestnyer. .mida tak pernah lagi dapt ape2 buat mase niy.:)

sarah mohamad said...

nice ! kan sekarang memang orang pakai purse camtuh :)

zaza ismail said...

Red Black gitue....
best la kak zie kan....

Asmi Asmidar said...

wowo. ..seronoknya .mida tak pernah dapat ape2 lagi buat mase ni.:)

ardinihumaira said...

waaaaaaaaaaaaaa best ko yunk! bak aku satu :D

Unknown said...

lawaaaa yang!

Qib said...

wah.. hebat. asyik dapat gift jer. biler pulak nk kongsi3 ni? hehe

First TWO wheels Moment

Direview oleh blogger OTAI. Wootwoot!

nurul viWy said...

halamak...awat le bru pasan entry ni...
kebzan melande le yunk oiiii...
ur welcome dear...hihihi...
malu i...