Puma Backpack For Dillah ♥

Semalam (Selasa 14/12/10) adalah ari terakhir Zie lunch together ngan Dillah. Lepas nih x taw ler bile lah weols leh lunch together2 lg..sobsobsob. He's going back to Sri Aman pd sebelah petang...uuuwaaa.

HATE BEING FAR AWAY from Dillah. What to do noks. Dah name ko bermadu dgn kerajaan ...haa gitu lah jwpnya..haha

Psstt...sempat plak weh weols shopping...hahaha. Actually dh decide awal pun ape yg nk di beli. Tuh pasal ler nyempat bershopping bagai time lunch hour...hikss.

Zie buy him this puma backpack...hehe. Actually dillah nyer old bagpack dh putus ar tali dia..pity lak Zie tgk. Tuh yg Zie buy it for him. utk kegunaan dia bawa baju2 dia time blk kch :)

Pssttt....sedondon dgn Zie nyer -->> lappy sling bag kan. Leh sehati sejiwa gittew...aharks! :P Zie nyer lappy bag, dillah yg belikan...so for him, harus lah zie yg belikan plak.

...baru ade istilah give n take gitu...hehe. Baru fair n square maa :)

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Que machimelloW said...

sri aman tu kat sarawak? ataw kl?
sori buta tempat sikit ne..heheh

Redbloodsnow said...

-->> hehehe...kat sarawak gak que. kira bandar pedalaman la. 2 or 3 hours drive dari kuching. depends dgn kelajuan...hehehe

ardinihumaira said...

best weh dillah :D

yunk bokbeng aku gila. ko tulun babap sat :'(

[sutera kasih] said...

"bermadu ngn kerajaan"

hehe ada2 jak words ktk ya...lucu :P

zaza ismail said...

huhu,xper akak next year bulan 11.....akan selalu la akak berkepit dgn dillah..huhu

pRincESs_N said...

xpe laa yunk..bmadu gn kjaan...untung2 dpt bonus...hihihi

Unknown said...

weee! happy nah dillah..
same ngan ko lak tu yang..

Anonymous said...

wah...sehati sejiwa la kak zie...comel3~

AmirFX said...

Yohhh.. Backpack lok.. Puma?! Adakah ganas seperti harimau kumbang?! haha... Nway, backpack ya nang best.. P kmk minat ngn Samsonite pun bag...

zazahashim said...

bagus tol korunk nie...=)

Qib said...

mesti rumah tangga nnt harmoni monie gitueww..

First TWO wheels Moment

Direview oleh blogger OTAI. Wootwoot!

Softtouch [Hanim] said...

baguslah mcm tu..sy plak asik take jer..xde plak give2 ni...heeee..kene buat cr mxm zie ni lah..give n take

Unknown said...

