She's The Blogger I Met... :)

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Haaa tadaaa! inilah dia blogger dari Terengganu tue....kenal x kenal x? Ciare mesti kenal giler ngan si pengantin baru kte nih...hehe. Her name is Wan Muliani :) If nk terjah blog dia...

...feel free to click -->> HERE! :)

Ape lagi kooo aku uolsssss. Terus kooo pot pet pot pet explainkan diri kenapa berpenampilan selekeh cam gni.....hahahahaha. Yani lak keeps on say, "eh xpe zie. ok je tu. yano pun selekeh ni ha"....

...wahhh ayat utk senangkan ati zie kooo engkau. Tenkiuu tenkiuu...haha

hari ini dlm sejarah okeh jumpe blogger dgn pakaian n muke x siap....haha. xpe xpe, natural beauty gitu nyah. Ehhh beauty ker? Tetttttt! pikir la sendiir...haha

Adoiyai...nampak gemuk lak Zie. gemuk yg x balance..semuanya kerana muuu wahai oversize baju! titik...hehe.

Weols cit cet cit cet je. Zie lak talk non stop kooo uols. Cam mesin rumput, sumpah x tipu! x caye sila tanye yani ek...hahaha. Well, its me...over friendly ko mak nyah :P bluekss. Happy dpt jumpe yani.

...she's really friendly. baru perasan awek manis nih ala ala muke my ex colleague nerisa yolander...hehehe.

Yani - Me - Chu. kata org x leh gamba bertiga. Demi kenangan nyer pasal, who cares...hahaha. nice meeting u dear...xoxo.

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Ezzattie said...

comell je ezzat tengok k.zie berpakaian ghupo gitu..ngeh3....

Unknown said...

mana ada selekeh la zie..cun la..pakai apa pun cun mecun!! jeles2 hehhe

intan izani said...

takpe zie, tetap maintain cute ;)

pRincESs_N said...

hahaha..aku dpt bygkn cane ko pot pet2 gn k,yani...k.yani senior aku kt ukm...

Mummy Dasy said...

xde ah selekeh pun sama jek..

ardinihumaira said...

cedap weh ko makan. terliur aku ni taw :)

farah said...

bila la nak jumpa kakzie ni. bawak jalan kan kat saraaawak !

NorynMK said...

awok tu da cumel.. beso ke kecik ke bj tu, jnj muka suci.. hahahha... klu muka bjerawat, pakai bj beso br dkategori badut..

opsss muah2...

zazahashim said...

selekeh yg cun yunk..don't worry la..ko tetap menten lawo..=)

wan muliani said...

ahaha N akak jadi pendiam dgr keramahan zie..mmg best..sume die explain!

zie terharu sgt zie sanggop buat entry utk yani..betol ape xselekeh..mesti kalau dress up lagi cun malatops!

eLLy said...

dik ko dah mcm cleaner la pulak .. wakakakakka larikkss

azzey said...

Zie: kata org je yg x leh gbr betiga tu...'usah pecaya kata orang...hi3..

myranaqi said...

myra pun kenal si yanie..hik hiks..pe2 yg akak pakai mesti nmpak cun je ar..hihihhii

Unknown said...

even aku x prnh jmpa ko kn yang..
aku taw sgt gya ko pot pet pot pet tuh..

tgk dr video msa raya haji tu pun aku bleh taw..


teehee...mek duak yanie sa bergbr ngan artis..weewiit!!no worries..ktk d most sparkling..ting2!!;-D

Izzatul Azma said...

hehe. takpe, style jugak org pki baju besar2 longgar2 skrg ni yang :D

rindu ah aku zaman kite berhuha sesama dlu :(

Asmi Asmidar said...

waaa . .seron0knye dapat jumper blogger2 laen. . .waa. . .i hope tht time will come. ..:)