Time weols gi E-mart on last saturday, tetiba terserempak dgn butik cermin mata. Cube ko tgk dia nyer percentage sales tuh uols...mane tak x Zie nk merembat! Hahaha. Actually mmg x plan pun nk beli.
Oh...i buy it not for myself ea. but for...

...Dillah tersayang :) dah lame dh Zie pujuk dia suroh dia pakai spec time dia ada operasi road block. Xde ler muke dia berkerut² disebabkan silau panas. Akhirnya berjaya gak pujukkan yg tidak dirancang nih ^_^ Ngeee.

Oh ye, nih spec utk ladies ea. Zie berkenan dgn yg ini...superrrr lawa. Tp have to ignore dulu sbb x leh woo rembat 2 sekali gus. Kopak kang aku...so yg nih, nnti zie ngiyau kat Dillah, wakakakaka :D

Try punyer try...last² yg 1st di capai n try gak yg menjadi pilihan. Kenape ek selalu gtue...hehe. For this spec, only get 30% off je. Nak tgk dillah in spec ea?
Haa...skodeng bwh :P

Weewiiittt...cam penah nampak jek pic nih ek ek. Tp di mana yah? Oh ye...kat my right side bar...kehkehkeh. Love seeing him in spec.

Now versi bertopi lak...hikss. Smart ah...ni yg buat Zie jatuh cinta 18 juta kali nih...hahahaha :D

Ceaaa...jd model secara paksa kooo Dillah sekejap...wakakaka. Nasib ko lah dillah oiii, bertunang-soon-berbini dgn seorg blogger tegar. Harus ko koooo je yg di jadikan model whether u like it or not. Titik.
..haha. Tuh je the only negative part dating with a blogger ^_^ Hikss...
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wa dillah nampak hensem la bila pakai spec..huhu..psssttt nak ngorat bleh...hahaha larikkkkkkkss
kena paksa ek
sama la ngn my abe...slalu je kena paksa
encem lah..hehe
pndai pilih sesuai :p
1st time drop here trus follow..nice belog dear...
sepoting betul en.dillah ni..hehe
hehe. nasib dpt yang rajin melayan
piiiwit :)
smart ou bro dillah. . .
sesuai ngn kak zie.;)
ko jadikan dia model blog ko eh yang..
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