Tonight He's IN TOWN! :) Happy...

**Quote Credited to Novel Cinta Sang Puteri**

Ceaaa....cuba ko try bace ape yg tertulis kat pic tuh weh. Ayat sgttt x bleh blah..kehkehkeh. actually its copy n paste dari Novel Cinta Sang Puteri. Alaa...novel trilogi laksamana sunan tuee...hehe.

Mlm nih Dillah sampai Kuching, yippie! Baru habis operasi road block kat tettttt (hehe..kene censored maa. Rahsia kerajaan :P)Jumpa dillah kejap malam nih...yayy yayy :)2 minggu kooo weols x jumpa.

...Ibarat 2 tahun! hahaha...OVER :P

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<--- Nanged it if u like. Thanx :)

11 comments: said...

berkahirlah sebuah penantian kan.
happy 4 u zie =)

Anonymous said...

You are special..entry for you..=)

arin 별 said...

wahhh ayat kat pics yaaa.
cak ehh. hehehe
alu kerinduan ktk yaa. 2 minggu jak yaa. hehe

p/s : semoga berbahagia selalu :)

Tie HT said...

owh lama nye..2 thn oopss 2 minggu..;)

Izzatul Azma said...

rindu2 tu yang best kan yang :)

ismimaizura said...

waa..bestnya dpt jmpe ngn encik tunang..=D
ak pn dh msk 2 mggu x jmpe BF ni..
mcm 2 thn da rse x jmpe..huhu

Asmi Asmidar said...

'abdillah menjdai impian ' . .caya la kak . .hehe. .2 minggu patutla , . .hehe. .:) hve a nice day. .

p/s:ok2 .:) tengss sebab sudi singgah balik.:)

ardinihumaira said...

jeles aku. sob sob... aku jumpa deen kejap ajo :'(

Isteri kepada Suami said...

wahhh..kalo sofia bile dah tak jumpe tuh sure lah asyik nak bertekak je...bile jumpe baru baik...hehe

Sofia Smiley

zazahashim said...

haha...rindu itu indah....=)

azzey said...

Zie: mmg rindu2an la nih....:)