Stylish De Shoppe Campaign #2 (3rd Entry)

Shawls Manik
Color : Greenies
Price: RM27 (including Postage)

For more Shawls Manik, Please click -->> HERE!

Shawl Kristal Batu Besar
Color: Soft Purple & Coffee
Price: 1 Pcs RM25 (including postage)

For more Shawl Kristal Batu Besar, Please click -->> HERE!

Inner Neck
Price : RM20 (including postage)

For more Inner Neck, Please click -->> HERE!

Shawls Rainbow Cotton
Code : SRC005
Material: Cotton Kedut
Price : RM20 Including Postage

For more Shawls Rainbow Cotton, Please click -->> HERE!

Shawl Ombak
Code Color: Creamy
Price: Rm34 with Postage

For more Shawls Ombak, Please click -->> HERE!

Seller Details :
1) Website : Stylish De Shoppe (Click to view)
2) Email :
3) Tel : 012 - 6244906 (SMS Only)

Disclaimer :-
-->> kesemua gambar diatas di tayangkan
dgn izin Stylish De Shoppe

** This advertisement is brought to you by Redbloodsnow™


AmirFX said...

Kiut jak upa model ya.. hihi..

azzey said...

Shawl yg ombak tu unik ek...