Amy-Ameera Makeu-Up Campaign #15 (1st Entry in March'11)

Makeup: Faten (Nikah)

For more pictures of her, click -->> HERE!

Makeup: Huda (Engagement)
Sg Buloh

For more pictures of her, click -->> HERE!

Makeup: Diba (Nikah)
Taman Keruing, Rasa.

For more pictures of her, click -->> HERE!

Makeup Class: Basic to Advance
Demo Makeup: Model 1
Makeup by Amy Ameera

Amy Ameera Makeup Studio

For more pictures of her, click -->> HERE!

Makeup: Wawa (Engagement)
Merdeka Villa Apartment, Ampang

For more pictures of her, click -->> HERE!

Amy Make-Up Price :-
1) Solemnization: RM350
2) Reception: RM350
3) Engagement: RM250
4) Day/Night Makeup: RM150
5) Photoshoot: RM200-RM250
6) Trial Makeup: RM100 (At Amy's Makeup Studio Only)
7) Personal Makeup Class: RM150
8) Basic to Advance Makeup Class: RM250
(if tempat jauh ade transportation charge ea uols. if nk taw pape secara details n for price negotiation, just call/SMS her or email her directly ea uols)

Contact Amy Ameera at :
H/p No.: 019-6351535
Website: (online portfolio. click to view)
FaceBook: Amy-Ameera Page (click to view)

Disclaimer :-
-->> kesemua gambar diatas di tayangkan
dgn izin Amy Ameera.

** This advertisement is brought to you by Redbloodsnow™


AmirFX said...

Terer juaknya mekap ehh.. Gmbr nomor duak ya kmk ingt org afrika d mekapnya.. haha...

ardinihumaira said...

aku teringin tol nak blaja mekap2 ni yunl. lawala mekapnya

Unknown said...

berubah owwwh muka dia mekap..
lawaaa owh yang...
bilaaalaaah aku pndai dlm bab mekap2 ni

Stilla Royazrie said...

berubah muka org nya hias....suka mek ngr...:)

e F a said...

kacak makeup ya lok... huh.. kmk mok juak