Bershopping Di Qaisya Balqis Collection

Hehe...TAK DAPAT weh Zie nk berpuasa dari shopping. Kalau dh dasar shoppaholic, shoppaholic jugak kan. Tak dpt nyopping secara live. Secara online pun jadi lah..hahaha.

...So nak taw ape Zie beli kat Qaisya Balqia Collection (QBC)?

**click pic to go to QBC blogshop**

Tadaaa! This Shawls Reben ler yg Zie order. Lawa kan kan kan ^_^ Memandangkan shawl² kat QBC ni cepattttt je laku cam goreng pisang panas. So Zie cepat² order. Kang melepas lak kaler hitam tuh...hehe

...So uols, wait to see me in this shawl reben version ea :P

Blog Pilihan Entry Ini
Blog Ieyra
-->> Click SINI to view
her blog :)

:: (nak being featured in this
section? Jadilah salah seorg
drdp pengiklan zie :) Click
-->> Here! utk lihat pakej ::

Redbloodsnow Copyright©


Invisible Me said...

xpenah beli on9 lg.

ardinihumaira said...

lawa tahapmaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!!!
whoaaa harus aku terjah ;)

ayuorked said...

hye cik red... lame rase nye tak jengah blog u.. OMG same lah suke shopping gaks :) and so lawa ok ur new ttudung eh?? hehehe u pkai lagi lawa kot :) tetcre :)

♥sophie♥ said...

cantek cantek XD
upload yer nty sys,,hee

Anonymous said...

kacak! tapi tang pelik jak upa shawl ya..


hi fwenz!! keep it up blogging ya!! Kalo free meh ler singgah my blog..--> mummylovers blog

AmirFX said...

nasib sekda jual gadget lam kedei ya.. Mun sik ada ktk nangga kmk shopping lam ya juak.. haha..

Softtouch [Hanim] said...

cntik zie shawl tu...xsabar nk tgk zie pakai lagi bertambah cntik zie..:)

Unknown said...

lawaaaa shawl dia weh..
comel ni.
ada ribbon2!

Areyoudys said...

as salam..
haha~ amir kata tu betul~
nasib baikkk~
ok~ ni tnagn tunggu entri baru beserta shawl reben~`

e F a said...

kacak lok.... mok juak la..