Stylish De Shoppe Campaign #2 (5th Entry for Feb'11)

Shawl Batu Kristal Besar
Color: Khakis & Dark Green

Price: RM25 each (including postage)

For more Shawl Batu Kristal Besar, Please click -->> HERE!

Inner Neck
Price: RM20 termasuk POS

For more Inner Neck, Please click -->> HERE!

Tudung Syria
Color: Hijau lembut
Code: RD 03

Price: RM35 termasuk pos
Material: lycra.. terdapat sulam bunga n diamond

For more Tudung Syria, Please click -->> HERE!

Material: Cotton
RM 25 termasuk pos ye

Colors dari kiri:
- biru, putih, socking pink, purple, gray n brown

For more Legging, Please click -->> HERE!

Sleeveless Blouse
Code: SLB 001
Color: BLUE

Material : COTTON
Size: Free size (fix S to M)

Harga : RM42 termasuk pos

For more Sleeveless Blouse, Please click -->> HERE!

Seller Details :
1) Website : Stylish De Shoppe (Click to view)
2) Email :
3) Tel : 012 - 6244906 (SMS Only)

Disclaimer :-
-->> kesemua gambar diatas di tayangkan
dgn izin Stylish De Shoppe

** This advertisement is brought to you by Redbloodsnow™


AmirFX said...

Sik nampak gilak muka model ya.. Rupa cam kiut jak... haha...

ardinihumaira said...

lawalah tudung syria kaler tu :)

e F a said...

apa gik amir, mala jak ngan model2 yg kiut.. ahahaha