Salam uols....memperkenalkan uols dgn blogshop Firzara Collection! (click banner utk view the blogshop) Menjual mcm² product and barangan taw. Ade perfume, jubah, maxi dress dan byk lagi lah.
...below zie review 5 items je ea ^_-

Blouse Exclusive
Kod: FCD 017
Saiz: M, L, XL
Harga asal:
Keterangan: Blouse ni edisi terhad ea uols. Siapa cepat dia dapat! Hehe. BTW, mengetahui measurement blouse ni, sila -- CLICK SINI :)
Postage Price: Price tak include postage ea uols. Utk Postage fee, uols leh -- CLICK SINI
For more Blouse Exclusive, Please -- CLICK SINI

Maxi Dress / Jubah Labuh Kain Lycra
Kod: FCM101
Harga: RM55
Keterangan: Warna pink, ada manik di leher. Material dia kain Lycra sejuk dan tak perlu iron taw. So sgt lah sesuai dgn org yg sejenis dgn zie yg mls iron..haha :P
Postage Price: Price tak include postage ea uols. Utk Postage fee, uols leh -- CLICK SINI
For more Maxi Dress / Jubah Labuh Kain Lycra, Please -- CLICK SINI

Petit Perfume
Kod : FCP001
Harga Asal :
Keterangan: Hello Kitty Figurine Perfume (fruity and sweet), 40ml. Seriously, sgttt lah comel packing dia kan. Unik dari perfume yg lain. Bg yg peminat tegar Hello Kitty, jgn lepaskan peluang weh! :D
Postage Price: Price tak include postage ea uols. Utk Postage fee, uols leh -- CLICK SINI
For more Petit Perfume, Please -- CLICK SINI

Denim Long Skirt
Kod: FCS001
Harga: RM42
Keterangan: Long skirt ni sgt selesa di pakai dan juga cantik taw uols. Bergetah di pinggang, kain denim berselang dengan kain cotton tebal bercorak.
Saiz: Free Size (Can fit S to XL)
Postage Price: Price tak include postage ea uols. Utk Postage fee, uols leh -- CLICK SINI
For more Denim Long Skirts, Please -- CLICK SINI

Busana Ekslusif Tuneeca
Kod: FCT001
Harga: RM199
Keterangan: Lawa giler kan busana ni. sesuai utk gi mana² function and its sooo muslimah gitu ^_- Boleh dipakai secara kasual ataupun formal. Nice kan :)
Postage Price: Free postage all over Peninsular Malaysia dan 50% OFF postage for Sabah & Sarawak. Utk Postage fee, uols leh -- CLICK SINI
For more Busana Ekslusif Tuneeca, Please -- CLICK SINI
Seller Details :
1) Website : Firzara Collection (Click to view)
2) Order Form : Click Here to Order
3) Email: firzaracollection@yahoo.com
Disclaimer :-
-- kesemua gambar diatas di tayangkan
dgn izin Firzara Collection
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wah,ade jual long skirt.kena terjah ni!
Tenkiu so much yang...nice review! Heee. Jom Zie shopping di Firzara Colection! Ayu akan bagi diskaun. ;)
-->> haaa terjah cepattt. limited stock tu taw :)
-->> hehe...thanx yunk :) glad that ayu puas hati dgn review zie ^_^
comelnye hello kitty!
Kiut juak upa perfume ya...
psstt yunk bekenan mek dgn Busana Ekslusif Tuneeca ya aih....mok mek usha blog nya kelakk....
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