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If uols nk cari perfume yg uols nak ala-ala "lalu je ko kat sebelah org, menusuk bau perfume tercium" Haa...uols sila pilih perfume yg berjenis Eau de parfum ea. Jgn Eau de toilette. Nak tahu ape perbezaan dia?
..meh Zie tayang wikipedia info ea :)
** Eau de parfum contains about 7-15% perfume concentrates. This is the most popular and common form of perfume. It provides a long-lasting fragrance and generally doesn't cost as much as extract perfume.
**Eau de toilette has around 1-6% perfume concentrates. This makes for a light scent that doesn't linger as long as the more intense versions. It was originally intended to be a refreshing body splash to help people wake up in the morning.
Know the different already? So make sure pilih eau de parfum taw. Eau de toilette bau mmg bau...lasting mmg lasting. Tp tak sekuat bau wangian Eau de parfum ^_-
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oic..ei u de perfume!
ok makasih zie.....:p
wanie mmg suka euw da parfurm dari toilett,
wanie suka bau yg daring:)
pakai minyak atar jeee :P
ouhh baru tahuuu :)
hi cik zie,
EDP memang lasting,dr pagi sampai mlm and hargenye biasanye mahal sket dr EDT.tapi berbaloi invest lbeh sikit beli EDP.
hi cik zie,
EDP memang lasting,dr pagi sampai mlm and hargenye biasanye mahal sket dr EDT.tapi berbaloi invest lbeh sikit beli EDP.
thanx for da info sis..:)
btul2...tp kan kak,if i not mistaken kan perfume lelaki kebanyakkan EDT tp long lasting bau die..huhu, sy pkai dior addict yg botol wana blue black, wangi..;D
mesti pilih EDP tapi mahal lah sikit. tapi takpe, long lasting kan. hiks akak zie guna perfume DKNY eh?
wahh,, baru taw camto rupenyer..
thanx sharing kak zie :D
oh....thanks for the info kak zie..menarik..baru tau...huhu, selalu main bantai je boli...huhu.
Birthday Giveaway by SAYS.my!!
laaa duhal..kmk baruk tauk tok..makseh kak atas infonya ya hehe
EDP ka EDT ka, kenak mek rasa bila mek makei perfume semua sik lasting owh..mek rasa nya depends ngan hormon juak kali zie. tindak balas hormon antara roma2 kulit ya..adehhh...tang menar jak kamek tok
thanks for the tips but am not a perfume person, but will be using when buying as gift for others.
thnaks k.zie for the info..tetibe rse dah lame xbeli perfume..abis tu wangi je semedang walo xpkai perfume...hahaha....
Kak intan pon mmg suke beli EDP compared to EDT coz of that particular reason...tahan lebih lama!
Mmg mahal sikit but it's worth it :D
*Zie, tenkiu ye sudi polo blog BabyIntan*
Jom baca: Site Map BabyIntan
ooo ku main hantam je pakai haa...
zie nak copy tu copy je lah hikhik ..tang kredit tu aku sukaaa....smlm tk online pom g tengok kakak aku bersalin new baby!!
betul2..beli yg EDP @ parfum sbb lbh thn lama..dla pun ada bc psl ni
entry berguna nie.
baru tau, kalu tak main bedal je
aku lebih suka EDT sebab tak keras sangat baunya ;) kalo EDP mak aih jangan terspray banyak. semerbak tau hehe
as salam..
bagitu rupanya.
ingatkan sama je dengan toilet
sekarang dah tak boleh bau perfume...confirm pening kepala
thanks 4 the info..akak letak dlm hbag je perfume..
ai u all....visit there http://zulzol.blogspot.com/ pasti yg benar dan tulus dari Naim's Perfume
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