Yup, Tukar Log In Email Blog...Blogs Yg Uols Following Akan HILANG ^_-

Referring to this entry -- [Tutorial] If Uols Belum Tukar Uols Punya Email Log In Into Gmail, Better DO IT NOW! -- Ramai yg dok tanya/inform Zie yg list of blogs yg dorg dah follow, lesap suma gara² tuka log in email.

Well, ni dia penerangan Zie ttg itu ek. Ianya hilang sbb uols the bertukar Admin. Admin yg lama (using old email) telah di hapuskan. Uols only dpt automatic retrieved posts, followers, comments and everything remains the same EXCEPT utk blogs yg uols dh follow je..

**Pic ni pic smlm ea. Skrg Zie dh refollow byk
blog sudah. So dont worry. U're in my list dah ^_^**

Mmg ianya akan hilang. So solutionnya adalah, uols kena lah follow balik blog² yg uols dah follow previously. Mcm Zie ni...merangkak following balik ^_^ Hehehe. Eh chop...kantoi di situ ai follow my own blog...

...miahahahahaha! Who doesn't, kan? Baik uols ngaku uols pun camni gak. HAHAHA.

Blog Pilihan Entry Ini
Firzara Collection
membeli pakaian2 muslimah,
product kecantikkan, perfume
dan byk lagi :)

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section? Jadilah salah seorg
drdp pengiklan zie :) Click
-- Here! utk lihat pakej ::
Redbloodsnow Copyright©


MiYOKO SuKi said...

kalo tak tukar login email, tak pe takk...blog ni akan hilang kahh

Zie Madini said...

-->> a'ah gitu la dgrnya. tak tahu lah samaada rumor je ke or not. better tuka je drpd nnti tetiba hilang.

coz dgrnya dorg akan delete mana² akaun yg x using google akaun.gitu la

sarah mohamad said...

saya belum tukar admin login lagi. still guna yg lama. hiks

Cik Niza said...

zieeee....i pun mengalami situasi yang same...adehhhh
dr smlm ni bru dpt follow 93 blog..
huwaaaaa...zie...follow i balik ye yunk...

● the COLORFUL of LIFE ●

Amiera Hilton said...

duhh penat la cmtu..byk plak keje nk mencari blog yg kita dah folow. ish mengada betol la. hehe. pssstt tak rasa nk folow miera balik ke? heheheh :P

LC Althea said...

kak zie, yg kata nk delete tu kan.. sbnr nye account google yg tak prnah bukak since 2007.. dia nk kemas kini database rse nye.. ada terbaca sumwhere..

Invisible Me said...

nampak cool je depan komp.
eh blog kita xda dlm senarai, kalu rajin meh lar follow. kalu xrajin xpa lar :P

Zie Madini said...

--> yaka..haa sik apa yunk. just ambik langkah berjaga² jak..hehe

--> Tak lah. sbb akaun google dgn akaun nuffnang tak combine lah syg. tp klo miera tukar URL blog...haa yg tu baru kena amend gak kat nuffnang akaun :)

-->> tadi pagi dh akak refollow balik lah fza. try skodeng ur follower blk tu. coz pic yg akak tayang tu smlm nyer pic...autopublish maa..HAHA

Unknown said...

mcm2 la ek..tu dni dok susah hti dia ckp kena tkar email hehhe

Amiera Hilton said...

oooo. okey okey tenkiu. heee (^_^)

Neyra Shazeyra said...

April 15, 2011

Posted by Brett Wiltshire, Product Operations

(This message only applies to a tiny fraction of users who haven’t logged in to Blogger since 2007. If you’ve logged in to Blogger at least one time since 2007, you won’t be affected and can disregard this message.)

There was a time early on in Blogger’s life where we had our own, custom account system for handling login authentication. Starting in 2006 all new Blogger accounts were created using the official Google accounts system, and then in 2007 we started the process of moving all of our legacy users over to the Google accounts system. Now, four years later, we’re finally at the home stretch of the transition. For a number of technical and operational reasons, we’ve decided to finally end our support for migrating legacy accounts and blogs after June 25th, 2011. So if you have a Blogger account and haven’t logged in since 2007, you will lose access to the account and associated content permanently unless you update to the Google Account system before June 25th.

Updating to the new account system is easy and should take just a few minutes. We really do value all of the content that has been created on Blogger and we hope that as many people as possible will reclaim their blogs. If you’ve been avoiding this task for a while, we encourage you to head over to the Legacy migration page and update your account.

We’ll be sending a similar notice later this week via email to all of the email addresses associated with the legacy accounts we have in our database. In a few weeks we’ll also make another announcement here on Buzz, with more specific updates on the transition.

so apa kata korang baca semula ini:

"(This message only applies to a tiny fraction of users who haven’t logged in to Blogger since 2007. If you’ve logged in to Blogger at least one time since 2007, you won’t be affected and can disregard this message.)"


Tie HT said...

ooo.thanks zie.. ;)

Aku Bah Nie Imah said...

wahhh terpaksa memfollow balik la yer kak zie...emmm perlu kerja semula nie..tapi kak zie follow ima yer...hehe

Ardini Humaira said...

aku penat nak folow balik yunk asik kua we're sorry blablabla.. aduhhh

[sutera kasih] said...

xpala penat follow balit..at least kita sesi bekenalan balit hua2 :P

Zura Tahir said...

akak pun follow blog sndiri....hehhe...jenuh tue zie...

Unknown said...

Betul tu zie, mmg leceh kan nak kena follow semula blog yg lain...biarlah bersusah-susah dahulu dari tetiba kena delete kang mau nangis! Wlupon depa kata utk acc yg tak aktif since 2007...huu huu...biarlah siap2 buat preparation dulu ye dak :)

Haha...kak intan pon follow blog sendiri jugak! Kak intan follow sbb nak tengok entri yg br kita publish tu keluar atau tidak. Mcm hr tu ada problem my n3 tak keluar kat reading list dashboard so terus 'siasat' apa punca nya...kan senang. Bukan nya follow atas sbb nak tambahkan jumlah follower...hee hee :D

*Kalau sudi follow lah blog kak intan sekali lagi ;)

Tutorial: Steps To Transfer Blogspot From Yahoo To Gmail

pink said...

Hehehehe thanks kasik info akk! :D

Hishyamuddin said...

tu la, dah wat semalam, tengok dah tak de blog yg kita follow...jgn lupa follow my blog..keh3

ismimaizura said...

ic..ptot la nmpk zie follow blik..o gitu ek upenye..sib baik dh gna gmail so x plu nk change2 bagai..=)

Safwan Kun said...

masalah ni same je cam saye..ape yang saya follow blog orang takde kat Blogs Im Following..ye tak gitu..

Softtouch [Hanim] said...

ok, sy igt sy sorang je yg mcm tu..rupenya mmg ilang lah yer apa yg kita foolow tu..nasiblah bloglist xilang..kalu xmemnagis sy zie..heee