Stylish De Shoppe Campaign #3 (4th Entry for April 2011)

Pin Reben Polka Dot
Harga - 3 pcs
(RM15 - termasuk pos ye!!!)

For more Pin Reben, Please click -- HERE!

Shawl Rainbow Cotton

Kod: SCR 001

Harga: RM17 (include postage)

For more Shawl Rainbow Cotton sales, Please click -- HERE!

Pashmina Shawl
Kod: PL 001

Harga: RM19 (include postage)

For more Pashmina Shawl, Please click -- HERE!

Shawl Ombak

Kod: SO 005
Warna: White + Soft Blue

Price: RM25 (include postage)

For more Shawl Ombak sales, Please click -- HERE!

Syria Lycra
Kod:SL 001
Color: Soft Purple

Harga: RM21 (inlcude postage)

For more Syria Lycra, Please click -- HERE!

Seller Details :
1) Website : Stylish De Shoppe (Click to view)
2) Email :
3) Tel : 012 - 6244906 (SMS Only)

Disclaimer :-
-- kesemua gambar diatas di tayangkan
dgn izin Stylish De Shoppe

** This advertisement is brought to you by Redbloodsnow™

1 comment:

Ardini Humaira said...

lawanye tudung dia :)