Jom Belajar Make-up With Dew Academy for Only RM99!

**Click picture for more info**

siapa yg nak belajar make-up? Leh lepas ni uols jd mak andam n gain more kachinggg **bunyi duit ea** ^_^ So meh belaja makeup di Dew Academy.

What You'll Get?
- Make-up Workshop for 4 hours
- Able to bring a friend along for free
- 1 Certificate of Attendance

Seee ade certificate tu beb! Leh nnti terbukti uols Mak Andam yg bertauliah...hikss. Oh ye, price for this make-up workshop only for RM99 SAHAJA! before 80% discount, ianya berharga RM499 okeh! dont missed this offer ea ^_-

BUY This MAD Offer! :)

Redbloodsnow Copyright©


Unknown said...

best nya~

zuneta said...

lau zu ambik kursus ni..agak2nya zie berani ambil zu jadi mak andam ke?? ada berani?? hancurrr...hehe

Ardini Humaira said...

aku teringin nak mekap sendiri waktu kawen. tapi tatau sempat masuk kelas mekap tak before july ni ehe

[sutera kasih] said...

kmk mok blaja make up ! hehe