Stylish De Shoppe Campaign #4 (4th Entry for May 2011)

Uols tersayang...hehe. Ni just nk gtaw kat uols. Di Stylish De Shoppe, sdg mengadakan contest yg bertajuk "Stylish De Shoppe Contest". Syaratnya, buat 1 entry dan uploadkan gambar kesukaan uols yg uols rasa ada package utk menang ^_-

...lepas tu tinggalkan aje link entry tersebut di entry contest di -- SINI! Utk maklumat selanjutnya ttg contest ini, sila click -- SINI :)

Harga: RM19 (include postage)
Material: Viscose
Panjang: 55 x 168 cm
Code: PL 004

For more Pashmina, Please click -- HERE!

Inner Cotton
Harga: RM10 (including postage)
Material: Cotton

For more Products, Please click -- HERE!

Tudung Syria Denim
Harga: RM35 (include postage)
Code: 011

For more Tudung Syria Denim, Please click -- HERE!

Tudung Syria Denim
Harga: RM35 (include postage)
Code: 005

For more Tudung Syria Denim, Please click -- HERE!

Seller Details :
1) Website : Stylish De Shoppe (Click to view)
2) Email :
3) Tel : 012 - 6244906 (SMS Only)

Disclaimer :-
-- kesemua gambar diatas di tayangkan
dgn izin Stylish De Shoppe

** This advertisement is brought to you by Redbloodsnow™

1 comment:

blog-tips-kurus said...

da lupe la nak tanye ape. hehe!
*terpanik sebab sini tengah hujan..