Reddish Segmen : Follower Review -- Yayan's Mum

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Perkenalkan uols -- YAYAN'S MUM -- yg berasal dari Kereteh, terengganu :) ganu ghuponya iyo? chop, bhs ganu gitu ke ea? Hahaha...main taram je zie ni. kehkehkeh

Oh ye, nak taw what her new hobby???

Tadaa! Inilah new hobby dia. CRAFTING! Lawa kan flower buttons hasil tgn dia kan :) Zie lamaaaa dah tinggalkan dunia crafting ni. coz more commited dgn dunia blog...lalalalala.

...blogging adalah sebahagian drpd kehidupan zie maa..hehe.

Terjah dan Berkenalan
dgn Yayan's Mum :)

Redbloodsnow Copyright©


Qaseh Suhaida said...

mmg kreatif laaa..cantek butang2 tu

Unknown said...

wahhh cantek2 flower button yg dia wat...tak pernah lg umi jumpe...

Unknown said...

comel button tu =)

AmirFX said...

Kmk nektok pun dah setia juak nak berblog.. Dolok lambat nak molah entry baru...

[sutera kasih] said...

kreatif juak akak ya molah button hehe jom terjah :)

zuneta said...

kreatifnya tgn dia...pnjam tgn leh...

Ayu said...

Thanks a lot, Zie.It was so sweet of u, (^_^). Baru skrg berkesempatan say thanks...coz a lot of things happened to me before, where blogging was the last thing in my mind.*so sad kan?*
Neway, I come back again...(^_^) coz I miss blogging so much....

Jum Klik2,My new entry~~~~~~~
<a href=">2011 tahun yg Malang buatku????</a>