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Uols nk tak main games sambil, who knows... untung-untung kau leh menang 60K gitu. Who knows kan? Hehehe. Pd yg kaki main games, sila lah ea...take this games and try ur luck ^_-
Syarat-syaratnya **hado kooo syarat-syarat of coz :P**
How to Play???
1) Wait for the cue to call in and be the first 2 caller through
2) Play Revenge of The Chickens with an opponent on air
3) Brave the buzzer and yell YOUR NAME before the time is up
and you'll win a slice of RM60,000.00
4) If you stop at a higher price before the buzzer blows, you win ^_-
Haaaa gitu la syarat-syarat permainan. Siapa yg jenis tak cuak nk call radio station n on air...leh la try ur luck ea, hehe. If menang RM60K tu, jgn lupa lanja zie ayam goreng MCD taw...haha
pape pun...
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Ttg Games Ini Ea :)
Redbloodsnow Copyright©

RM60K?byk tue...
hihihi sama jugak gan Syuhada tue...takut nak call
teringin ilak men ciken tok eyh.. p takut.. takut xpat hahhaa
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