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Alolololo...cian na diat, umi koh. Ada gak yg rindu dgn entries zie yg super byk in a day tu ek??? Hehehe. Sorry la uols ea. Skrg zie sgtttt sgttt busy dgn kursus. Mmg takde time sgt nk update entries.
...takat 1 - 2 entries, still larat lg. Coz zie after kursus, zie masok opis lg sambung kerja. Sooooo tired arr. Esok will be my last day working. lepas tu terus CUTI KAWEN ^_^ Hiksss.
So awal zie nk gtaw uols ea. Probably there will be no updates di sepanjang time cuti zie :( Harap sabar menunggu ea nnti. Insya'ALLAH after kawen, baru stat aktif lagi :)
Redbloodsnow Copyright©
Hihi nakal ar zie .. kembang 8 inci lubang idong umi tok hahaha. Tapi serius tok zie ..boring giler kmk c baca entri dr kitak sebab blog ktk antara blog kmk terjah awal pagi hek2 ..ambik aura kerja hahaha
Huuuuuuuuuuuu bena juak, ktk mesti mau rehat cuti2 kahwin huhu .. harap kitak happy selalu :)
Jaga kesihatan juak zie ..iboh penat gilak ...ada beberapa hari gik mau tok .. toink toink
bakal pengantin la ni?
slmt pengantin baru ye =)
Rilek Zie.. Kmk msh baca juak blog ktk walaupun ktk cuti panjang...
nang mena zie.. tang ada kurang jak bila ktk x update gilak.. mala mata mek jelin tepi bloglist kmk, ktk xupdate hahah...
mmg rindu pn..!!! rindu sgt2..!! smua entry kak zie besh2 bah.. hehee :D
- rest a lot, kak zie.. x sabar tggu kak zie naik pelamin.. tggu update kawen ni.. hehee
aloooooooooooooooooooooo............konfem boring xde entry k.zie..... pa2 pon selamat pengantin baru moga kekal hingga ke anak cucu yerk...
selamat pengantin baharu kak zie.. i have been your silence for few years.. now that you are going to get married, everything happens so fast.. =)
all the best with you marriage and can't wait to read your upcoming post regarding your family and BABIES.. ^^ take care..
Biasa la tue...selalu busy dah dekat majlis kahwin....
Dah khatamkan blog akak zie ni masa tak dapat blogwalking hari tuu. hehehe. apa2 pun saya nak ucap TAHNIAH. seri pengantin baru still adoooo :D hehehe
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