Are YOU The GREATEST Mummy and Daddy??? **jeng jeng jeng**

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Tetiba teringat ler plak lagu iklan huggies yg ala-ala Justin Biebier tu...kehkehkeh. Sengal :P parents, if uols think uols such an awesome/greatest mummy n daddy, haaa apa kata uols join Huggies Caring Couples Contest kat Huggies Malaysia nie.

Mane tahu kot kot mmg terbukti yg uols mmg an awesome/greatest mum n dad ever! HOHOHO. Selain itu gak kan, di Huggies malaysia, turut share some tips and facts on baby-care taw.

Amat sesuai utk bakal ibu mcm zie ni :) So siapa yg tgh preggy tu...jom terjah Huggies Malaysia!

JOIN the contest OR
Utk Baca Tips and Facts
on Baby-Care ^_-

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