Cara Macam Mana Nak Install Domain Ke Blog

**Request dari ---- Pupel Liyana**

Kali ni tutorial request dari rakan blog, Pupel plak. Utk install domain yg sudah di beli ni, senang je uols. Uols hanya perlu perform this step je.

1) Login blog uols mcm biasa
2) Kat Dashboard, Click "Settings", lepas tu click "Publishing"
3) Click kat link yg allows uols switch ke custom domain.
4) Enter uols nyer new URL (example:, lepas tu save settings uols tu td. If uols tak enter word "www," uols akan receive an error message.

Tp, sebelum uols installing it. Make sure biarkan sejam dua utk pihak ServerFreak activate kan uols nyer domain tu selepas payment had been made ek uols. If uols rakus sgt tak sabar² nk berdomain mcm zie semlm...

...menjawap ler after uols install, uols nyer domain akan error n cannot be found. Tempoh utk activation memakan masa 24 - 48 hours. Tp tu cakap dorg je. coz semlm zie buat, tak sampai pun sejam.

Dah pun activate dan boleh di gunakan :) Pantas taw ServerFreak ni, tahu dia kebykkan customer rakus tak menyabor² nk pakai domain. HAHA

Malaysia Web Hosting
CLICK PHOTO Utk ke Website ServerFreak

IF uols berminat nk beli domain ea. Hanya RM40 je SETAHUN utk domain [dot][com] *__* Murah kan...berbaloi. So far...domain dari ServerFreak, takde sebarang masalah utk Nuffnang detect our Nuff ADS :)

So don't worry ^_^ Jom uols, switch ke ^_-

Blog Pilihan Entry Ini :)
-- Click SINI utk
view her blog :)

:: (nak being featured in this
section? Jadilah salah seorg
drdp pengiklan zie :) Click
---- Here! utk lihat pakej ::

Redbloodsnow Copyright©


Ayu said...

bestnye...bila la agaknya YM nak guna domain sendiri nie...yg blogspot ni pun baru nak merangkak2...huhu

AmirFX said...

Kmk tgh usha sever dari Jimdo time tok.. :D

Unknown said...

wah, komen kita ditempek situ hehehe. thanks zie sayang. memang terjawab dah. tu la haritu tanya pasal domain laju betul orang serverfreak tu balas email. memang tiptop la servis dye. ni tengah dok pk nak pakai nama apa. sat lagi boleh order. maceh zie sayang:)

MiaSaidin said...

cuma buat step tu je eh?
tak de kena setting yg lain2 ke?

Admin said...

AsSalam Zie

CF dapat arahan :
The blog that used to be here is now at
Do you wish to be redirected?

This blog is not hosted by Blogger and has not been checked for spam, viruses and other forms of malware.

nak pilih YES or NO

Ayu said...

Hi, zie. YM nk tnye. YM dh beli domain, tp smpi skrg tkleh nk install domain ke blog.dh ikut step yg zie soh tuh, tp still tkleh.ym contact support team, diorang soh YM export blog ke domain.uwaaaaaa!!! Nk maintain semua yg ader kt blogspot tuh.sedeyyy ni.

Zie tlg lh bg advise kat YM yg tgh pening ni, plsss.:(