Nak Beli Jubah Kooo Uols ^_-

Cantik giler ah si Irma Hasmie ni berjubah. Jeles plak tgk...hehehe :P BTW uols, zie skrg ni nak beli jubah. Tak kisah ler abaya ker apa ke...janji jubah n janji boleh zie pakai time pregnant and time lepas bersalin :P

...dan yg paling penting, jubah tu zie nak yg jenis sulam. Sulam kerawang is the 1st priority ^_- Tak nak ah yg jahit manik bagai. Coz jahitan manik cepat putus..nyakitkan hati je nanti...hehe :D

So siapa yg ada buat online business jubah² ni. Boleh tinggalkan link website uols ek. Nak buat internet window shopping..hehe

Blog Pilihan Entry Ini :)
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drdp pengiklan zie :) Click
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Redbloodsnow Copyright?


Mr feckry said...

nak belikan bini wa jubah la

shiqin said...

sis...try tengok kat sini

Riena Haiqal said...

eh eh... bole raya pakai utk raya nanti kan.. hehehehe..

Reena Sidek said...

nak kacak jubah nak di pake irma tok... nak manik tok nang kacak tp yalah... manik mudah putus...

Nurul Amanina said...

Ayu said...

YM pun ingat nak pakai jubah raya nieh...beli zie, jgn tak beli...hehe.YM suka tgk jubah2 kat FB-Jubah impian, cantik2 taw Zie..:)

Nurul Amanina said...

Saya Disini said...


BuluMataPalsu said...

kak zie, try rah, rega pun okay mek ngga sia. :)

BuluMataPalsu said...

kak zie, try rah, rega pun okay sia. :)

zh-ena said...

warna hitam cantik nampak tubuh langsing jea

Kekzamanis said...

Hai dear! Cea macam pakat2 pulak raya ni berjubah.. Hehe..

Btw, cubalah tengok2 kat sini kalau ada yang terberkenan..

eVa said...

xlamak gik irma kawen ow.. kin kck nya bh.. jubah2 nya pake pun kck..