[[Paid Ads]] Amy Ameera Make-up #1

Customer: Dina
Event: Reception
Date: 30 September 2012
Place: Kuang

For more pictures of her, click ---> Here

Customer: Emily
Event: Malam Berinai
Date: 22 September 2012
Place: Batu Belah, Klang

For more pictures of her, click ---> Here

Customer: Afaf
Event: Reception
Date: 22 September 2012
Place: Batu Caves

For more pictures of her, click ---> Here

Customer: Alia
Event: Reception
Date: 16 September 2012
Place: Vistana Hotel, KL

For more pictures of her, click ---> Here

Customer: Asyikin
Event: Reception
Date: 15 September 2012
Place: Balakong

For more pictures of her, click ---> Here

Amy Make-Up Price :-
1) Solemnization: RM400
2) Reception: RM400
3) Engagement: RM300
4) Day/Night Makeup: RM150-RM200
5) Photoshoot: RM250-RM300
6) Trial Makeup: RM200 (At Amy's Makeup Studio Only)
7) Personal Makeup Class: RM150
8) Basic to Advance Makeup Class: RM250
(if tempat jauh ade transportation charge ea uols. if nk taw pape secara details n for price negotiation, just call/SMS her or email her directly ea uols)

Contact Amy Ameera at :
Website: Amy Ameera Make-up (click to view)
FaceBook Page: Amy-Ameera Fanpage (click to view)
Email: amyameera@gmail.com

H/p No.: 019-6351535

Disclaimer :-
-- kesemua gambar diatas di tayangkan
dgn izin Amy Ameera.

Pay Per Post Entry Review:-
-- RM5 per entry review. Entry in normal mode (BUKAN in sticky mode)
Pilihan masa utk entry di publishkan adalah on 9am ATAU on 1pm.

Terms & condition utk Pay Per Post Iklan:-
** Tidak melebih drpd 5 gambar
** Draft di buat anda sendiri (jgn terlampau pjg)
** Entry review in normal mode.

** This advertisement is brought to you by Zie Madini's Territory


Ayu said...

The arts of Makeup...mmg nampak kelainan..:)

Kekzamanis said...

Suka ar bab make up2 ni.. Nak kena amik kelas make up nampak gaya.. Boleh gak buat side income kan?

Azizah green line said...

first time kena mekap masa kawen dulu..hehe jijah mmg tak pandai mekap pon..