Neh ekceli semalam nyer lunch. Baru skrg berkesempatan nk hapdet n3 neh. Smlm gwe busy banget bersilat ama account² gwe loh :P huhuhu
...ekceli Tilla smpai at Chillipepper around 1pm. Sbb die nyer lunchtime time gittew ler. Zie n Kiki kol 12:30pm dah menampakkan muke weols kat c2 dah... pssttt...tros ade adegan lakonan bermule...^_^ hehe

Time neh weols tgh tggu menu yg diorder. Slow ah...kesabaran Zie nunggu. Klo Kiki...of koz kiki x borink tggu sbbbbb...TERRRRRserempak dgn Mael die kat c2...apa kahhh???
...^_^ hahahaha TETTTTTTT!!!

Meanwhile Zie plak...sgt buhsan woooo. Jiwa mendung berarak. Time neh ler "Org Tue" kol Zie tapi x answer :( i have to do it walaupun ati Zie melalak nk answer the fon :(
...I HATE this kinda situation. Why must it happening to me. Sakit tau nggak to force myself to forget n ignore everything :(

Yayyy!!! our order dah sampaiiiii ^_^ hiksss...
...Ice Lemon Tea for ME :)...

...Air Sirap for Kiki...

...meanwhile Longan Susu plak for my darlink Tilla :) Haaa amacam uols??? Suday terlior x nengok our drinks tuh
...hikkkksss!!! :P

Both of Tilla n Kiki order Roasted Chicken Rice. Zie plak order Mee jek...nangis woooo mee aku..lalalala +__+

Haaaa!!! Neh ler Mee Zie. Mee Bandung...rase dieee, Subhanallahhh!!! Sungguh sedap kooooo. Sgt² nangis okeh!!! Adehhh...tros terngidam nk makan mee neh lagikkkkk ^_^

Adehhh!!! Tiba² x cantik plak pic neh Zie snap...hahaha. Mane x nyer, time nk snap pic neh, tgn aku parkinson maaaa. Cb klo x parkinson...kompom TERLIOQ uols nengok ai tell yuuu
...lalalalala ^_-

Kiki chaoo dulu. Die tinggalkan RM6.50 for her lunch tapi die yer total makanan cost RM5.40...hehehe..selebihnyer halal aje la yek yunkk ^_^ hikkksss.
...Around 1:30pm mcm tuh, Zie n Tilla blah n gerak gi Mekdi ler pulak. Colleagues Tilla soh die tapawkan mekdi. So next n3 shall be at mekdi ler plak yek...hee hee
Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright©
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