Neh time tgh Q-up kat dlm mekdi neh taw. Ceaaa...menyempat yuu weols bergambo...hahaha. Even though at dat time ramai giler manusia yg berbaris
...tapiii...Ade Weols Kesah??? lalalala +__+

Dua counter jek yg bukak???? ...apa kahhh!!! Haishhh...mane x nyer service slow giler..puii puii. Mmg ramai giler arr manusia nk mamam mekdi time tgh hati bute neh. Arum bulak eh, siap berlaga bahu...kahkahkah
Almost reach door entrance kooo...kompom kaya raya tauke francais mekdi neh...hehehe ^_^

Tilla tapawkan ngan opismates die 3 sets double cheese burger and then kannnn...Tilla lanje Zie Cornetto McFlurry. Siyesly, pestime Zie mamam bende alah neh taw..hahaha
..ye ye ye...aku ade sakai ckit. Skrg tgh ngidam nk makan Cornetto Mcflurry lagik kooo tapiii....xde sape yg nak tolong take away..haiishhh. Mcm neh ler nasib xde kete sendiri..sobsob :P

Tilla lak amik Oreo Mcflurry...sedap jek ghuper die mamam sambil kepit Mcflurry die kat celah kangkang sambil drive...miahahahahaha
Thanx yunkkk for lanje Mcflurry. My 1st Mcflurry tuee cayunk..so its special to me..lalalala +__+

Sampai jek opis, teros Zie eksen gagah wat keje n eksen rajin giler...wakakakaka. Nak taw nape??? Sbb Zie masok almost jam 2:30pm sdgkan Zie nyer lunchtime jam 12:30pm until 1:30pm jek.
...Zie bw kepala keras ckit arini ^_^ hahaha. Bukannyer selalu maaa ai lunch same² ngan Tilla. So harus bw kepala keras ckit dgn masok lewat. Bknnyer ade puch card bagai...lalalalala
Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright©
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