Siapa Chu Majorflava tuh??? Haa tueee tueee dak pompuan yg duduk kat baris hadapan tuh. Dialah my future SIL, Insya'Allah ^_^ She's doing graphic design taw. So harus Zie promote her freelance ^_- winkss...
Helping family maa..haha. Oh ye, btw...tukang snap gambo kesemua kat bwh nih adalah mereka² di atas tuh haaa. Meh Zie tayang chu nyer custom album design ea...

Sample #1

Sample #2

Sample #3

Sample #4
Lawaaaa wehhhh!!! Meroyan aku tgk ah..hahaha. I told ya she's genius dlm graphic design ^_^ Hikss. DEFINITELY akan mintak Chu buat my wedding custom album nnti ^_-

Nih die her "wonder pet" geng...haha. memandai je zie bg name weh. Nih die zie perkenalkan geng photographer die -->> WS photography,Shooters Photography,ShutterDiaries,NFR Photography etc..
FYI, Zie nyer custom album for pertunangan (click to view) Zie last year pun Chu yg designkan. tp smpai skrg aku lom print lg weh...wakakaka. Fulus nan ado maaa...hahaha :D
Chu Majorflava Price :-
1) Custom Album : RM200 - RM250
2) Name Card Design : Sila hubungi beliau
4) Other Design : Sila hubungi beliau
Email : major_flava84@yahoo.com
Redbloodsnow Copyright©
cantik juga sentuhan chu tu ye zie.. bertuah la zie.. nanti kawen senang suh je chu wat editing semua photo kawen zie.. :)
wau.. memang hasil kerja chu, the best lah.. hee.. xsabar nak tgk work dia mase akak kawen nnt.. ;)
memang kreatif yunk!
mmg chantek arkk akak..
cantekkk2 album chu wat tuh..mmg kretip la dia..
chu mmg kretip n bergeliga pasal design nie...suka sgt tgk..
cantekk seyhh editg chu..kelas!!
nape saye rase nak gi menuntut ngan dorang2 ni je kak??
aaarrghhh...tabik!!!!!lawoo gile ar kak....seyes...lawo gile4...pattern gambo lawo..angle lawo..design lawo..editing lawo...uurrrgghhh...bile laaa sy leh ade kpakaran cmtuh...sobsob..
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