Blackmores Buffered C Buat Saya ♥‿♥

Memandang vitamin EPO zie tak boleh lg makan sbb zie breast feeding (boleh click SINI utk bc balik entry), so husband zie pun belikan ler zie vitamin C ler plak. Boleh kulit baby ikut cantik gak katanya..kan apa yg si ibu mkn akan "turut" di makan oleh baby gak (if kau BF baby ko ler ea)...

... Zie lak, mana baik utk mikail, Zie telan je. Hehehe. Janji jgn suruh zie telan susu utk ibu breast feeding. Kang kembang balik kang bdn aku nanti weh...

a big neyhiii neyhii pd susu ek  ❀‿❀ Selain dari susu, zie on aje...hehe. 

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Zie MadinCopyright©


Azizah green line said...

vitamin c bagus untuk kesihatan... tak efek ape2 pon..hehe

Isteri kepada Suami said...


Ape beza buffered C dgn vit C yg biasa tuh ea?

makan vit c selera zie naik x?


nur anis said...

wahh..bagusnya husband kak zie..:)

Kekzamanis said...

Rajin incit suami belikan cik puan isteri supplemen.. Good2! ^_^

Oh, btw MM dah tukar comment setting tu ke pop-up window.. Thanks tau coz tolong inform.. Being futured lagi in ur blog.. Hehehe.. =)

Riena Haiqal said...

terbaikkk la husband ZIe ni.. heheheh...

Iamwhoiam said...

Good sharing, Blackmores Collagen 10,000mg which is enhanced with Grape Seed Extract and Vitamin E for complete skin rejuvenation in just six to 12 weeks. If your collagen breakdown in your skin is much faster and at a higher rate than what your body is manufacturing and the amount you are taking via collagen drinks/ supplements, you may need a longer time to see the benefits of collagen. For detail visit: