Geram Giler Dengan CIMB Bank

SEKALI LAGI terkena black out time nak berurusan dgn CIMB's ATM Machine. Kalau dulu time keluarkan duit, RM150 burn macam tu je (click SINI utk baca entry balik). Kali ini plak, RM3500 koooo amountnya. My whole month salary plus bonus tu. sumpah....sangattt sangattt menyirap darah zie dgn service CIMB Bank kat Wisma Satok, Kuching ni.

...kalau dah tahu kat sana selaluuuuuu je black out, PLEASE lah setiap satu machine ATM tu bagi standby battery ke apa ke utk menggelak kejadian mcm ni terjadi. Menyusahkan customer je dorg ni. Now hari ni...its going to be a busy day for me.

Pd hari sabtu tu, zie dh on-the-spot call customer center utk buat aduan. Tp hari ini....pd jam 9am nanti, zie akan jumpa officer yg in charge hal ATM machine utk solve this case. Seriously, sgt unhappy! RM3500 tu beb...

...harap-harap dorg dpt refund balik duit zie yg sudah "ditelan" mesin tu time blackout. Risau giler zie koo uols. Resit takpe, pe suma takde. Ye lah...tgh tggu mesin kiran jumlah duit yg nak di bank-in, tetiba black out. memanglah tak sempat apa-apa :(

Uols tolong doakan agar zie dapat balik my RM3500 tu ea uols. Kalau tak...abeh lah :(

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@reLong said...


Zie jgn biarkan je tau..mse kt dlu pnah gak mcm tu..short duit..then kt fight la..kt ckp duit skit mcm tu sy xslh kira..

tp kene fight even skit pn..

MyraQhairel said...

insyallah dpt balik....sbb dorang ada cctv...then dgn details yg ziey bagi cth mcm time masa masukkan tu..insyallah boleh dpt balik duit tu..:)

mrs kayrul said...

kayrul dulu pernah terjadi kes macam nie tapi kat bank lain la..mujur la cepat wat aduan...alhamdulillah duit dapat balik tapi ambik masa sikit la

nurayunni said...

bukn sdikit nilai tue..insyallah dpt..

yatyatay said...

dont worry kak
biasanya dorg boleh detect
sy pernah kena kt atm maybank
esoknya dorg refund back kt dlm my acc

Dr Aisyah said...

Moga zie dapat semula duit zie tu ya.

cik chinta said...

kn ad kamera, suh dia tgk. Xde dpt det lg. Bukti tu. Customer owez rite. Det byk tu, bhy r, lnkli pki kaunter r klo nk kuo det byk gni. Tkot r gtu.

Unknown said...

giler lah... banyak tu rm3500!! mudah2an dapat balik sis...

Unknown said...

giler lah... banyak tu rm3500!! mudah2an dapat balik sis...

DILA said...

byk woooo RM3500 tu... boleh terkendala semua hal... lau dila, cnfirm naik hantu...

Puteri Panda said...

kak zie tukar bank je la. ni bukan kasi susah customer tapi MERUGIKAN customer ada lah. kes dulu pun tak selesai lagi. RM150 tu banyak tau bukan sikit. kak zie kena buat aduan sebab mustahil la pihak bank takde bukti transaksi pengeluaran w/pun blackout. kalau tiada, memang teruk la tu bank kalau begitu. better kak zie tukar bank. kalau masalah blackout pun mereka tak dapat selesaikan, bagus tutup je bank tu.

MISSNICK said...

Insya Allah boleh....tenang ye :)

Unknown said...

As Salam,

I am not a CIMB employee but I most likely know how the CDM/ATM works. Some banks do outsource their terminals to other companies and some do insource practice. This explains why most banking institutions needed extra time in making refunds for such disputes.

FYI, these terminals do not carry any backup battery or any of its kind as they rely fully on direct power supply.

For such cases, should there be any 'Timeouts' or failure of power supply in the midst of transactions through the terminals, never panic. Keep calm and directly call the bank's call centre or better still make a report to the ATM/CDM officer.

Claims demanding to go through CCTV is not needed as for every terminals, logs for every successful or failure transactions were safely kept by the terminals.

Most importantly, just acknowledge which terminal that was involved, date and approximate time of incident. In Sha Allah everything will be alright and refund process won't take that long so long information provided were ample and precise.

Good day! :)

Kekzamanis said...

Ya Allah, banyak kot tu Zie.. In Shaa Allah, kalau rezeki Zie mesti dapat balik punya.. Jangan risau ye.. Lepas ni kena berurusan di kaunter jelah terus.. Senang..

Isteri kepada Suami said...

Assalamualaikum wbt...

cimb memang selalu ade prob..tapi xpenah plk time tgh2 gune machine..tapi penah je atm diorg down tp nasib baik b4 gune..hihi


Nur Hafiza Rahsid said...

Sy pun pernah kena jugak. Tapi dengan Bank lain. Tengah nak deposit duit tetiba balckout. duit dah telan. tp transaction xde. sabau jelah. buat report. takde ape. pergi kaunter, officer tuh hampeh. Baik berhenti kerja aje. haha. memang geram dengan servis bank ni banyak sangat masalah bila berurusan. hmph!