**Pc sedang sengal. tetiba detect a device had been plugged padahal
takde pun zie plugged apa-apa :(**
Baru hari Rabu lepas repaired, semlm dah dtg sengal lagi computer kerja zie nih. Uwaaaa!!! FYI, computer zie adalah "mother" office networking. If computer zie down...bermakna other staff terpaksa ler kesusahan nak print document...huhuu.
...menurut dak cina yg repair tu, some of the chips short. USB card memang dah totally rosak. Since semalam zie on leave belah petang, dan since entry ini adalah auto publish...tak sure lah either dah ok ke tak.
Or have to change the motherboard. Bahaya ek penangan lightning strike. Huhu. Dlm tahun ni, dah 2x pc zie di tukar baru...haha.

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jangan di tegur kalo macam tu...
jeng jeng jeng...
mmg zie...
lagi2 kalau doc kat omp ko tu pntg.. tiada backup..
nah, di situlah bahaya..
takper tukar baru lg hehehe
xperlu beli pc baru...motherboard tue lintas pintas aje ...
Hheee, komp minta diganti le tu :D
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