Siapa Akan Menjadi Pemilik Mr. Elmo Nih Ek??? :P


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Zie found the winner ^_^
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Yuuhhuuu uolsss. Zie watkan contest utk my dear readers. Contest ape??? Ohhh...kene tggu dn lihat. Zie x leh gtaw dulu. Takut nnti kang x ikhlas plak uols nak jd **LL***** Zie.

So disebabkan nk kan keikhlasan uols, Bile Zie dh jumpe pemenang kepada number bertuah neh 484. Zie akan umumkan ape contest tuh ek..hahaha. So at this moment, thank you so much sbb dh setia reading blog merah itam Zie neh

^_^ Hehe...mwahhhh²

Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright©

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