Bermesra Alam Dgn Bakal Mentua :P

Spt yg sudah dirancang, last saturday...Zie gi berbuke puasa kat umah bakal mentua..ceaaa ^_^ hahaha. Sebelum tuh, Zie n Dillah stop by kat The Spring beli buffday gift utk his niece.

Pic neh time weols otw gi umah Dillah, stop by for a while kat tepi jalan beli air tebu wat berbuke karang ^_-

Sampai² jek kat umah, teros ke dapur kooo..hahaha. Contoh bakal menantu yg baik ^_^ hiksss. Dillah tuh bukannyer reti nk kenalkan, boleh plak die yg segan tahap melampau padahal sepatutnyer Zie yg segan giler kan..hehe

..biase lah tuh. 1st time die bw girl balik umah jumpe family and 1st time gak die bercouple. Well, as for uols information...i'm his 1st love. Yayyy!!! 1st in everything..hehehe :P

Oh ye..pic neh adalah pic adik n kakak dillah. Time neh Zie dok bersilat kat dapur tolong dorg masak² ^_^

neh time berbuke puase dh ^_^ Zie x amik byk sgt pic..almaklum lah kan...paham² aje lah uols. Kene well behave ckit..hehehe. Seriously uols, zie sgt² relief bile dpt keluarga bakal mentua yg sumenyer baik².

...mak Dillah sgt baik wooo. Siap introduce Zie dgn pakcik makcik, saudara mara die dgn say "Ni Zie...bakal tunang Dillah" cewahhh..kembang giler ati Zie dgr oii. sgt² welcome rase bile kene treat camtu :)

Haaa..bufday si kecik kenit neh ler. dah genap setaun dh anak akak die yg bongsu neh. Chika name die..adehhh, name same ngan name nyau Zie dulu ar...hehehe :P

Cewahhhh Dillah...x sabo nk ade anak sendiri ea??? Sabar ek syg, 2011 will be our turn plak utk jd papa n mama ^_^ waahhh..statement terhangat tue..hikhikhik.

...Seriously, i am so happy now. Alhamdulillah...hope akan stay bahagia sampai ke aher hayat Zie...aminnn ^_^

Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright©

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