STICKY MODE ENTRY FOR 24 HOURS -->> Amy Ameera Make-Up

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Sticky mode The Eyes Of Redbloodsnow™ kali ini adalah helping my blog’s sponsor utk mempromotekan perniagaan andaman beliau. some of pictures before n after the transformation yg Amy Ameera telah lakukan.

...Menakjubkan weh. Teruja Zie tgk before n after pic tuh

Make over Session

So nih die some of her andaman pic sample. Nih wajah naked si gadis sebelum di transformasikn..hehe. Still look gojes.

...Naturally beauty gitu ^_- winksss

Tadaaa!!! Setelah di transformasikan, Pergghhhh!!! Berbeza nah kan….ailikeee!!! Terus jd ala ala Next Top Model lookalike gitu,WOW!!!..hehe.

Lawa kan..If sekali pandang kompom ingat 2 insan yg berbeza gitu..hehe. THUMBS Up kat Amy Ameera. So if ko uols berminat nk gunekan khidmat andaman beliau...

...meh Zie redirect uols straight away kepada Amy ^_^ hehe…

H/p No.: 019-6351535
Website: (online portfolio)

Make-up Price :
1) Dinner package = RM120
2) Engagement package = RM200
3) Wedding package = RM250 - RM350
(if tempat jauh ade transportation charge ea uols. if nk taw pape secara details n for price negotiation, just call/SMS her or email her directly ea uols)

Oh ye..hampir terlupe, -->> CLICK HERE to watch her make up session video ^_- winksss

Better uols pi terjah blog die skrg if
Nak tgk hasil kerja tgn die memakeup kan
Muke org yg lain ea uols ^_^

Redbloodsnow Copyright©


Whoopz said...

Fuuyo0hh.. Memang terer lukis ar dak amy tu..

Redbloodsnow said...

hehe..itu ler pasal. dn zie baru tahu yg model make over tuh adalah die sendiri. perhhh!!! lawa ah die. sumpah x ngampu...hehe serious nih ^_^

Unknown said...

mmg cantik...bangat..kite pon kalo makeover leh jd camtu kot..hehehe

ezy eizyanie said...

serius best tgk cara make up die~
super cantik~

ardinihumaira said...

dia guna makeup apa yunk.. teruja i :)

alamfanacinta said...

zie, amy pnh makeup saya time konvo last year..
serious berbaloi-baloi...~ thumbs up!!!

Yana@Nana said...

cntik2 .. suka yer make-up ni...

Redbloodsnow said...

-->> Whoaaaa..yeke. superb kan make up die. syg arrr die bukan org kuching. kalau tidakk... for sure akan ambik die for my wedding andam..hehe

sarah shafie said...

lawa lah..x pernha make up,klau make up xtau muka jd mcm mane..

Unknown said...


ko ni yang..
kad jmputan kawen tuh... Ain lain yang bukan N..

kad N aku x mnta pn..
sbb aku taw aku x dpt stg punyeeerrrr..

Erina Asmawani said...

mmg cantikkk lah die make up ziee..kagum sgt! ena gi tgk satu2 makeover kat blog tadi..mmg cantikkk! btw, bape price dia yunk? takde stated pun..berminat nih ;p

Dhea Ahmad said...

memang berbeza.....shantekkkk...

ida said...


ismimaizura said...

cantik^__^..berbeza kn muka slps transform..lawa lawa..

suezen said...

zie::dia menang contest kat red glow gak:D

:-: LilacMessy :-: said...

messy dh korek sume entry dier.. mmg superb la akak!!!!!!

psstt!! t bole gune khidmat dier tyme kawen nnty.. heee..

Aishah Malik said...

mmg power habis la tgn die make up org.. sgt cantekk

shahrul said...

fuyooo..meletop!! ah kak..
haa..nnti akak leh ler amek dpd amy ameera nih..kalo amy nih dok kat sarawak ler..hehe..
