Bouqet of Flowers + Ferrero Rocher Chocolates Utk Ibu Tersayang ♥

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Since mother's day is around the corner, apa kata uols hiburkan + terharukan hati emak² uols dgn giving her a bouqet of flower yg berharga RM72 sahaja instead of RM150 :) Its a 52% discount, u know ^_-

...takkan bagi kekasih boleh, bagi emak tak boleh, kan..hehe. So uols, cepat grab this offer selagi offer masoh ada!

BUY This Offer!

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BabiesMom said...

Dear nice INFO...

leh xoxo bg utk MAMA.. thanks sharing dear

[sutera kasih] said...

apa nk dberik ngn mak mothers day tok owhh huhu mun bunga2 coklat tok nya sik minat

beingmrsazlan82 said...

assalamualaikum..zie..i'm one of ur silent reader..suka baca blog u...n lagi satu..i nak blaja dari u..cmner u buat pic tu 4 pic in 1 size???

Zie Madini said...

-->> waalaikummusalam. nk buat pic 4 in 1 size tu ea? gunalah photoscape or photoshopt foto editing software...hehe

zie gune photoscape :)