Meet With Applepie **Part I**

Status Mood => Happie ^_^

See the pic above??? **hikhik** On the very left handside...tuh ler Applepie. She's blogger yg pertama Zie jumpe taw **lalalala** since almost 3 years i'm in this blogging world.

Ingatkan Kak Ziana n Mika yg akan jadik my 1st blogger yg Zie jumpe **huhu** It looks like, Kak Ziana n Mika akan jadik my 2nd blogger yg Zie akan jumpe **huahuahua**

Neway uolls...lets the pichas do the telling iyerrr ^_^

Yayyyy!!! Nampak gigi wabbit ku!!!

Before our pichas wif Applepie
Layan dulu iyer...
pics gediks 3 hawt ladies neh
**wakakaka..ayat pasan!!!**

Makanan ku -_-

We'olls met up kat The Spring
Pening2 nak pkirkan which
place to eat


Last2 we'olls eat at
Kluang Station je

Bile dh ciap isi pewot...We'olls
separate lak ngan Minie n Dip
Dorg got different agendas

Sementara nk pkirkan
which destination nk g afta diz...
we'olls rehatkan montot lah kejap



Here we're comeeeeee!!!!

Kiki + Shiha + Zie + Emy

Pe lagi...
mulelah sesi brgambo seakan

Pls note:
Kebykkan gambo were taken
using Applepie's camera
So...xde byk sgt ler pic inside
my hp's camera ek

Teke which one tasut Zie??

Kasut2 pown nak gaks
berposing weh!!!

Layan Names on Sand laks ^_^

En. Adam => You Locked My Heart =)

Redbloodsnow + Lady Kiki
BFF Forever

Redbloodsnow + Ida

Mind Note to Izza
-> Ampunnnnn banget Zaaaaa!!!
Gwe terlupe ukirkan name
kamo sichhhhh!!!
Ampun bangettttt..mcm mn entah
leh lupe...Sori banget!!!

Princess Redbloodsnow
Alrite...thats all folks!!!

Reddish Note
-> Wanna read another version
of diz post??? Feel to go to =>
Kiki's Site

Princess Redbloodsnow Copyright

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